12. Too Young To Fall In Love.

Start from the beginning

"It's what a guy does to make sure his girl stays his girl." I blushed when he put his hand on my chin, tilting it upwards. "And you're my girl. So I need to make sure that doesn't change any time soon."

Nikki's lips softly brushed against mine, one of my hands in his hair and the other on his shoulder as he slipped his tongue into my mouth. I couldn't help but smile as he let out a groan, pulling me into him more, resting his hands under my ass, and picking me up so my legs tangled around his waist.

We hadn't argued, we didn't fall out, we spent as much time together as humanly possible. It was like we were in a relationship, without the labels. I was just his girl, and he was just my guy.

I hadn't felt so happy in years, so needed and wanted. It might've had something to do with the cocaine that was constantly being inhaled through my nostrils or the fact that Nikki and I didn't have anything better to do than just get high and fuck until we couldn't or didn't want to anymore.

But as time went on, he had to focus on the new album and the guys' record deal--he still made time for me, but it wasn't as much as what we were used to. It was nice to know that Nikki still wanted me, even though he was starting to make more of a name for himself.

Vince didn't seem to offer much to the conversation besides a few "yeps" and nods here and there, while Nikki and Mick began to snowball ideas, and Tommy sprayed roaches on the floor with hairspray and a lighter.

"What'd you think they're gonna end up doing?" Beth bumped my shoulder as we stood together in the kitchen, smoking through the window. "Because I feel like they're gonna go full glam for the tour. Sixx loves Bowie and T.Rex, I feel like they'll be inspired by that shit."

I hummed in agreement, nodding along. "Maybe. But I know Nikki was talking about satanism and--"

"--I'm sorry, what!? Satanism?" I nodded, not seeing the issue. "Chris, if they decide to make a devil-worshipping album, they're gonna get dragged through the deepest shit by, like, everyone! But if they keep it up and tour that shit, then they're gonna make themselves out to be evil, possessed freaks!"

"Yeah. I don't think they care what people are gonna think of them, Beth. The album is literally called "Shout At The Devil." You know what they're like, they want to be different." I shrugged, stubbing out my cigarette. "They're a metal band, they're not gonna give a fuck whether or not people agree with them dabbling in satanic worship. It's all a part of the act. It'll sell."

Nikki called me over with a smile, motioning for me to sit next to him on the couch.

"Look at this," he handed me a piece of paper as he put a hand on my knee, his thumb grazing over it softly. "What do you think?"

"Woah, this is so awesome." He grinned, his eyes clouding over. "So you're gonna be focusing on this concept for the tour too?--"

Vince raised a brow, leaning backward "--problem, Christine?"

"Nope. Not a problem, Vincent." I narrowed my eyes at him, before turning back to Nikki. "I think this is fucking sick. The kids are gonna love that their parents will hate it, and that's gonna get you guys more fans. I can guarantee it."

"Yeah?" His arm wrapped around my waist, bringing me closer. "'Cause we're gonna go for the whole fuckin' thing. Pentagrams, pyro, blood, chains, fire. It's gonna be sick."

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