10. Kiss Me Deadly.

Start from the beginning

"You have very little faith in people, don't you?"

"No, I have every faith in Sixx to fuck up whatever it is that you've got going on," I smiled before he replied, smartly, "and I have every faith in you to try your hardest to push your nearest and dearest away instead of confessing how you really feel."

As expected, Mick would become a confidant and the person I turned to when I was in dire need of reassurance and some actual, sound advice. He was as loyal to that band as he possibly could've been, but when it came to helping me, he couldn't have been a better friend.

But he made me swear blind that I'd never tell a soul.

I tightened the belt around my waist as I stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom, groaning when I clocked Beth making her way through the door.

"Don't go," she held her arm out when I grabbed my purse from the vanity, her eyes pleading with mine as she held up a little baggie of cocaine. "Stay with me. I don't wanna do this alone."

"I don't do that shit, Beth. You know that."

"Yes, I know. But a good friend wouldn't want me to do this alone, and you'd want me to be safe." I rolled my eyes, sighing out when a smile appeared on her face.

Nothing about cocaine, heroin, or even weed ever seemed to appeal to me. I loved drinking more than I'd ever care to admit, but never drugs.

That was until Beth cut up an extra two lines after she'd snorted the first three, and held a twenty-dollar bill out to me with a smile.

And I really should have gone with my gut when it was telling me that was a bad idea.

Because the second I got a taste for it, when the white powder clung to the inside of my nose and my hand instantly flew to my face, I knew that was a decision that'd eventually end up fucking me in the ass.

"Fuck." I held my nose, eyeing myself in the mirror and giggled at the sheer size of my pupils. "That was--"

"--Amazing, right?" Beth stuffed everything back into her purse and held a hand out to mine. "Call it a peace offering. I'm sorry for being a bitch, Chrissie."

"It's whatever," my lips curled into a smile, my fingers still rubbing my nostrils. "Is this supposed to burn?"

"It's your first time, it's normal."

"Oh, okay." I replied as she pulled me through the door and back out into the club.

If you'd looked at me in that exact moment, you'd know that I was three sheets to the wind. But everyone around me was higher, drunker and a lot more fucked up, so nobody would even bat an eyelid.

Everything was a lot more vibrant, louder and I felt as though I was going into complete sensory overload--but I loved it. I could feel my heart beating so fast, it was like the thing would break free from my chest at any given chance. It was all so exciting, and new. And I knew that wasn't the last time I'd experience it.

Boldly, I took my seat next to Nikki when Beth let go of my hand and sat at the other side of the table. His eyes landed on mine almost instantly, and he furrowed both brows while I just laughed and tried to engage in conversation with the girl he had on his left arm.

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