Chapter 1 Do you want to play a game?

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                       Somewhere, deep underground, in a dark room, a person was sitting in front of a lot of monitors. They leaned back in their chair, observing everyone. "Hmmm... Eighty total. This will be interesting" they said to themselves, before turning on the mic and speaking to the people on the monitors.

                  "Hello, Hello? Is everyone awake?"

          The people on the monitors all seemed to be looking around, trying to determine where they were and where the sound was coming from.

               "You might have already noticed, but you are in what I call a Death Game. Your goal is to escape the room. If you don't, you will die"

                     The person pressed some switches and a different recording started playing in each room.

                    Group 3

    Junjie looked at who was in the room with him. There was a kid that he recognized as Symothy as well as three girls. He had seen the first girl, an elf with green hair and dark skin, somewhere before. She had been a part of Hamengku's group in Serenity cavern. The next girl was a little kid with black hair. And the last girl was Hoshi. They were all in a room with collars around their necks. There were glass boxes not too far from them. Suddenly, the voice from before came over the intercom again.

           "You are all connected. A cable runs through your collar devices. It can be pulled so tight that you will be decapitated on the mounted razors. The only way to remove the collar is with the keys from the glass boxes on the pedestals before you. However, if one of you moves to retrieve the key, the 60-second timer will begin for you all. If you all don't get your keys in that time... you can guess what will happen. Oh, and if you are not out of the room in fifteen minutes, the room will fill with poison that will instantly kill you"

            Junjie didn't show it, but he was surprised and a bit scared, but not for himself. Three out of the four other people here were little kids. And last one was a teen. If he let one of them die, he would never forgive himself. "Alright, everyone. Please listen to me. Hoshi, you are the furthest away from me, right?" he said. "yeah, that's me" The magenta haired girl answered. "Very well then. You will go first. The girl next to you will go as soon as you grab your key. Symothy will go next, and so on," Junjie explained as calmly as humanly possible right now.

             Hoshi didn't waste time, and took off running towards the glass cage. A loud beep could be heard as the timer started. She saw a rock on the ground and hit it. The glass shattered and she grabbed the key. Fifty seconds left. "GO!" Hoshi shouted and the dark haired girl that had been standing next to her quickly made her way over to the next glass box. Hoshi was immidietly pulled back. Fourty three seconds left. The girl then smashed her box the same way Hoshi had. She then grabbed the key. Thirty six seconds left. As Symothy ran for the box, Hoshi and the other girl unlocked their collars. The girl next to her dropped the key, at the same time as the collar. Meanwhile, the boy reached his box. Twenty nine seconds left. He followed the same strategy that the girl and Hoshi had used. He also used the rock to smash the glass box. He took his key, just as Hoshi noticed something about the girls key. Both looked exactly the same! Twenty four seconds left. The next girl was about to start, as Hoshi yelled "STOP!" and ran over to her Twenty three seconds left. "All of the keys are the same!" Hoshi said, as she gave the elf girl her key. She then gave Junjie the lack haired girls key. Seventeen seconds left. Symothy had unlocked his collar. Sixteen seconds left. Fifteen... Fourteen... Thirteen... Junjie had unlocked his collar! Eleven... ten... nine... eight... the elf girl unlocked her collar. But the timer didn't stop. Seven...six...five... four... three... two... one... the collars retracted into the wall, over the razors really quickly. No one said it, but if they had failed, their heads would be rolling on the ground now. Everyone seemed either relieved or scared, but Junjie knew that they weren't home free yet. In a few minutes, the room will be filled with poison. "We have to go. We are not safe yet". The others didn't say anything. They just nodded. The group headed for the door, but as soon as Junjie reached for the handle, they heard the voice again.

           "After you pass through this door, you will see the others. Do not tell anyone what happened in this room if you wanna live. All you can tell them, is that this death game was called 'the Neck Tie Trap'. Nothing about how you solved it"

         With this warning in mind, Junjie opened the door and the group headed out of the room. They found themselves in a long hallway. All of the doors were locked, just like the door they had just exited from. They had no choice, but to head further down the long hallway.  It was long, and dimly lit. "Hey, I can tell that most of us don't know each other, so how about we introduce ourselves, while we have to go this really long hallway" said the elf girl. Symothy nodded and with a smile, he said "My name is Symothy". "I think we might have met before, but I'm Hoshi" said well...Hoshi. "I am Junjie. I'm the protector of the eastern caverns" said Junjie. He knew that he probably had no need to introduce himself, but he still did. "What eastern caverns?" shyly asked the dark haired girl. "What do you mean?" Confused, the elf girl asked. "I... I mean, what are the eastern caverns? The most east you can get is gateway cavern" the little girl answered. Even though the others looked confused, Junjie realized what was going on. "You are from the ninety nine caverns, I assume?" He said. The girl nodded, and he continued "There is a place beyond gateway cavern, through the thick wall of the cavern. That place is known as the eastern caverns. It's a different set of caverns". Junjie hoped that this would explain things a bit more. He turned to the girl and asked "What about you? What's your name?" Her expresion changed to something that looked more happy, as she introduced herself "My name is Trini". The elf girl smiled and said "Nice to meet you Trini. I'm Flower". Junjie was glad that they had introduced themselves, since the atmosphere didn't seem as tense anymore. But Junjie was worried about something. Who ever had kidnapped them, had been able to kidnap people from both the east and the ninety nine. This was worrying. But for now, he decided to keep this idea to himself. They finally reached the end of the hallway. As soon as they went into the large room, what they saw was somewhere around sixty  people.

       Since Slugterra doesn't have eighty characters like I need, I have put in some Oc's. 
Oh, and btw Flower is actually a canon character. yes, she is a background character. No, her name is never said in the show. I found it somewhere on the wiki.

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