Bloodsuck# 6: Shìt.

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"Here you go." I smiled at Helen.

"I bet Mr. Leeds will be proud." She smiled at me. As stupid as it was, I liked Helen Sawyer. She was all elegant, innocence overflowing. Little did she know what had happened a week before.

"My aim exactly." I grinned.

"Helen, your boyfriend wants to shag you." Dylan came in as he enjoyed a donut, his words punctuated by an exaggerated pat on the blondie's little back.

She suppressed a gasp from pain, but failed. "Uh.. he's my fiancé."

"But he wants to shag you, right?" Dylan raised a brow and grinned. Assh0le.

Helen was a tomato. " we haven't... um.."

Dylan threw his head back and laughed. "Don't tell me that pùssy wants it on the wedding night!"

Helen reddened even more, if that were even possible. "I uh.."

"Why are you even telling him this?" I scowled at her. "Go to your guy..." I lightly pushed her towards the entrance.

Dylan chuckled. "Naughty Brooke."

"What?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Want me all to yourself, huh?" He winked at me. Assh0le.

"You're pathetic." I shook my head at him. "Helen, give me the papers, I'll do it myself. Go now." I smiled at her one last time before she sashayed her way outside.

"Oh? Already done with the project?" Dylan reached out to take the file from my hands.

I recoiled, keeping the file at arm's length, as far away as possible from him. "Hands off."

He blinked, looked at the file, at my chest, then back in my eyes. "OK." He shoved his hands in his pockets and went away.

I felt practically naked.

"Nice boòbs by the way.." he said without turning to look at me. "...I miss 'em."

My jaw dropped. Ellen, the brunette at the reception table, looked at me. She was there all along, obviously judging me. It was disgusting.

I locked my office door from the inside and breathed. Jacob Leeds was very kind and appreciated my interior design project, but he was in a hurry to go to a meeting, so he asked me to be ready with it the next day when we could discuss it and make ammendments if required.

And now, I couldn't get Dylan off my mind. How could it be that we literally fùcked eachother twice and I didn't remember a thing?

I went to my table and put the file on it, beside the-


I picked it up and read the words scribbled outside.

'Miss Brooke Evans, Assistant Designer Fragile Co. New York.'

I turned it over.

'Mr. Samuel Kent, CEO Sattïre Co. Washington D.C.'

Excitement enveloped me. I literally ripped it open. Inside, was a crisp cream coloured paper, with the Sattïre Co. monogram on it. I took it out in all the thrill, so out with it came a card.

A Mastercard.

My eyes widened. I quickly unfolded the paper. I also found a flight ticket from New York to Washington D.C.

'Ms. Brooke Evans
Assistant Designer Fragile Co.
New York.

I am happy to inform you that my Reception Lounge needs renovation. I will be very pleased to have your help in changing the interior of it. I've seen your works and I expect you accept this offer.

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