A Spectator's Evil

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He looked at his phone, turned pale, then quickly left the room. She watched him, smiling devilishly.
Nadine remembered this specific memory, looking at it now from a third-party point-of-view, and knew that the reason for her smile was one of cruelty at best.
She had been the one to win between them. Christian just didn’t know about it yet, but he would soon and judging by how fast he left the room and how pale he had been, it was going to be a doozy for him.
In the memory, Nadine had stayed in the room where most of their family and friends gathered together and enjoying everyone's gossip and jokes, but today- as she looked on from the present day- she followed Christian as he walked out. As often as she relived this memory, her favorite part was this. It was too bad she never actually got to live this part of the memory in person, but visiting it again and again still gave her pleasure in her spectral form.
Back then she never got to see how his whole demeanor had stiffened, like temperatures had fallen to artic levels and froze his limbs solid, and never got to see that his eyes shifted left and right in barefaced fear.
Could he feel her right now? Feel her eyes gleaming in excitement as she watched him fall apart on the inside?
“Lynea. LYNEA! Calm down for a second.” He whispered feverishly into his phone as soon as he had gotten far enough from the door that he thought no one could hear him- and, technically, in this memory, no one could, right?
“What do you mean she KNOWS, Lynea? How can she- we hid all the evidence! I made sure to burn the shirt YOU ruined with your d*mn lipstick! THIS IS YOUR FAULT!”
Nadine didn’t need to float closer as she could hear the manic ravings of a woman’s voice from the other side of his phone all the way from the opposite side of the big room. She could almost see the homewreckers tears flowing through the cellphone and hear the other woman's bones quaking, knowing that their worst nightmare was about to unfold.
Christians face paled to an impossible shade, almost akin to a dead man’s pallor, and she smiled even wider. God! If only she could have been there in person to see this particular moment in the flesh.
“We’re dead.”
Oh, if only he knew.
He would have wished for death for what past Nadine had in store for him. Because she knew what his sin was.

Their screams had become her new favorite song, their pain and suffering became her adrenaline rush. Her kind didn’t stand for infidelity and she had made them both pay.

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