4: November 11th

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Ah, it looks like the doctor did had some influence here after all. Next time I saw her I'd be sure to show how thankful I was. And part of me wasn't joking about that.

A guard that was stationed outside gave a friendly nod to my holder, before turning around and unlocking the several locks on the door. It seemed cruel to be locking patients in a room meant for getting a load off and relaxing, albeit this was a rec room aimed only at Level 4 patients. I wondered whether the rec room for Level 2 and 3 would be locked and I was unsure, however I knew for sure the Level 1 room would be unlocked as they were the least problematic.

The door opened and Sam the guard continued walking me by my arm, forcing me into the room.

The area was white walled and white tiled, just like the rest of this dull place. It was fairly spacious, comparable to the space of a bar, as I'd worked in a fair share of them during university. There were large windows with hanging black curtains however the light was significantly blocked by metal mesh that would stop anyone from leaving if the windows were broken. In the middle was a pool table, which I was very suspicious of being there due to the gross amount of harm it could bring if someone decided to use the pool balls or the cue as a weapon. On the other hand I supposed the harm would only come to the patients due to no guards actually being stationed in the room, so the asylum probably saw it as a problem sorting itself out.

"Guards will come to clear everyone out just before meals," Sam informed me, as she unlocked my handcuffs and freed my arms from behind me. She pushed me further into the room and I couldn't help but stumble with my legs being almost too weak to support me on their own. "Don't be starting any trouble."

With that the guard left and I heard the door lock once again. My head tilted up with a fixed brow to observe my competition as I struggled to my feet. As my entrance had been a sudden occurrence most heads had turned to look at me and to this I scowled.

"The fuck are you looking at?" I snapped, giving everyone a once over. A lot of freaks here, me included. They all looked away after my remark either because they were afraid of my harsh tone, or because they had seen all they needed to see. I hmphed and used the wall to leverage myself over to one of the pews left carelessly in this room. It was nailed to the ground and barely creaked as I put my full weight onto it.

This particular seat was located close to a window, and so best I could in the situation of the wire mesh, I gazed out of it. Arkham was located on Arkham Island, with a secure bridge connecting the land with the rest of West Gotham. From my seat I could see bright blue skies quite ill fitting for Arkham, hanging over a stretch of land surrounded by tall iron gates to stop any patients escaping or throwing themselves into the icy waters below. Vaguely in the distance I could make out the skyline of Gotham City with the many skyscrapers stretching up into the clouds. I spotted at least two blimps circling the skies, made minuscule by the grand size of the city. For once it wasn't grey or raining, but instead it was bright and clear, which was unfortunate as I wouldn't even get a hit of that bright sun. On the plus side the mesh holes were wide enough that photons could pass through the window and onto my skin, and I felt the effects immediately. It wasn't enough to heal me completely but it was enough that I noticed the greying of my skin began to reverse, and a light green undertone was more clear.

I let out a sigh and let my eyes droop, not even opening them when I heard footsteps coming closer.

"Sit too long and you'll get a sunburn." I heard a male voice say, an air of mocking in his tone. I knew who it was before I even looked up, but doing so I met his sneering eyes with my hardened glare.

I'd never met the Joker in my life, nor did I really wish to, but I'd known he was in Level 4 with me. When I'd thought about associating with other maximum security patients I'd thought about the more predictable ones such as the Riddler or Two Face, I could get men like those in my grasp and settle myself some 'muscle'. The Joker on the other hand was very mentally screwed and everyone knew it; that was clearly the reason why he had to come bother me - he saw everyone else avoiding him.

"I think your pasty ass has to worry about that more," I muttered, before crossing my legs away from him.

From the corner of my eye I saw him sit beside me and my face screwed up but I hid it from him. Reactions are probably what he wanted to see.

"It's Pamela right? I'll call you Pammy." he started, curling his lip.

I kissed my teeth and looked over at him. "It's Ivy." I retorted, meeting his acid green eyes with my equally as unnatural yellow ones.

He completely ignored my last correction. "So Pam, you've been locked up for almost a year now..." he started, but my face creased. Had it really been that long? I knew I couldn't keep track of the days here but I thought it had been less, at this point I couldn't even remember the day I was incarcerated. "So how come you've never been seen around here?"

I lay back. "Warden gave an order for me not to be allowed out of my cell, to prevent the chance I'll break out and kill her." I explained.

The man scoffed. "Warden Glenn, how she does have her little games. So how come you're in here if it's so dangerous for you to leave your precious cell?" he asked.

I raised my shoulders, shrugging my coppery hair off of them. "Guess my doctor put in a good word for me." I replied bluntly. That was true, it was the only reason I'd be in here, however I was giving him minimal information. I didn't know or trust this clown more than I could throw him - which wasn't very far in my state - and I sure didn't want to be talking with him longer than I needed.

"Oooooh," he sang, leaning toward me and I brought my eyes to stare away from him at one of the other patients that was playing pool. "Lucky girl."

I rolled my eyes and stood up, feeling my legs actually support me for the first time in far too long. "Nice to have this little chat, but I'm in the mood for pool." I announced to him, turning my back with no issue to show him I wasn't afraid of lowering my defences to him, before walking off.

From her eyes || Poison IvyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat