Chapter 1

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A/N: Hoi! Just a few notes about the story as usual :>
*As said in the description, this is a sequel to Insomnia [Shota Aizawa X Reader]. You don't have to read that one before this, however.
*The reader's quirk is the same; immunity to other quirks. And no, it's not a paradox if Shota uses his quirk on them because the quirk is mutant-type and Erasure doesn't work on mutant-types.
*Don't like it don't read it. Thanks :>

After what he'd done, you couldn't forgive him.

After what you'd done, you couldn't face him.


"And they lived happily ever after," you muttered under your breath. You were walking down the sidewalk, not going anywhere in particular. "But who said together?"

All the faith you had had in him had had no where else to go and you were left with nothing. Faith was longer in you, either.

You had tried to convince him. But he stuck with his idea. Shota Aizawa always stuck with his ideas.

It didn't matter what you said. Words were just sounds from your mouth at that moment to him. To be honest, you couldn't remember what you said. It didn't matter.

It was as if your words didn't exist in the first place.

If a tree falls in a forest with no one around to hear it, did it make a sound?

You thought about that until you arrived home. Looking around, you spotted no sign of him. His boots weren't there and neither was his capture weapon. He was probably doing patrol tonight. You let out a sigh of relief.

Your answer was yes. A tree falling will have definitely made a sound.

An idea in your head is still an idea even if no one but you knows it.

You headed towards the bathroom to take a bath, still pondering.

As the bathtub was filling you stripped, then sunk in.

You couldn't cry. It wasn't a big deal. It really wasn't. It'd be stupid to cry.

You sunk deeper in the tub, your nose and eyes peeking up from the water.

Can you cry underwater?

You stared off into space.

Well, is water wet?

You let the warmth of the water engulf you. Let felt nice, almost nicer than his arms around you. You were head over heels for him as he was you, yet he still managed to make you frustrated at him for no good reason. Honestly....

You shook your head, again telling yourself it wasn't a big problem. Except it was. Not enough to make you cry, however.

Why are people "head over heels" for something?

You started getting out of the tub after a few more minutes.

Isn't that how people are normally?

You dried and dressed, then stood in front of the mirror look at yourself. You noticed your fingertips were wrinkled like raisins despite you having not been in the water for long.

How old would I have to be to die of old age?

You headed towards the kitchen next, not really hungry but looking for something to eat.

You haven't really been eating much lately, though. Usually you'd eat until you weren't hungry, rather than eating until you were full.

You spotted a pizza box on the counter. Shota must have left it there. There was few slices left, and you took one, savoring the taste. You were too busy thinking about the sin Shota had done this morning to think about and savor the toppings, but you could taste the pineapples, mushroom, and various other toppings. Shota usually preferred plain pizza, for some reason, but sometimes put toppings on.

Instead [Shota Aizawa x Reader]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon