Kars:"You see my Ability allows me to place this mask onto the face of a person or a stand to gain control of them."

"Hmm... what's it's Range?"

Kars:"I don't know..."

"Eh... Good enough... come on up."

Kars looks up and sees the figure through the darkness.

that tall Fabulous Silver Buzzcut.

he's only ever heard of him from Jolynes stories about reading her dad's Journal.

Jean Pierre Polnereff.

Kars stands proud before announcing his thoughts

Kars:"I Know Mr. Jotaro and Joseph Joestar!"

Polnereff:"Jo-taro? Did he send you?!"

Kars:"Well it's complicated..."

Kars places Bruno on the ground lightly before flying up to the balcony.

Polnereff:"What The?!"

Kars:"I actually just helped the person Mr. Jotaro sent to research Giorno Giovanna."

Polnereff:"So... You weren't sent to find me?"

Kars:"No I--"

The Two begin to hear footsteps slowly climb the stairs

Polnereff Wheels over to see as Kars follows

he looks down to see the person that was helping Bruno earlier... and now that Kars thinks about it he resembles the Pink haired Kid from Sardinia.

and he's missing his left Pinkie.


Doppio:"This is a test."

Time distorts a bit as the Pink haired kid is gone and in his place is what looks like an italian male stripper

Diavolo:"eh? Wouldn't you agree, Jean Pierre Polnereff?"

Polnereff:"Y-You're... Diavolo!!"

Diavolo:"it appears that no matter how much I tear apart the past, it still manages to wriggle up like a worm from under a rock. This is surprising. No Wonder I couldn't think of anyone who opposed me."

Polnereff:"How did you get here?!"

Diavolo:"But in the end, it doesn't matter how you survived after I scattered your remains in the ocean. what's important, Polnereff, is what you were trying to tell Bucciarati and his men!"

Polnereff:"Don't you dare set foot on those--"

Kars pushes Polnereff back and lunges at Diavolo


reluctantly Polnereff turns around and begins wheeling away.

before DIavolo has Time to react Kars quickly slices both sides of the pillars causing the staircase to collapses.

Kars:"Now it's just you and I... Polnereff and the arrow are out of your reach"

Diavolo:"Why are you so adamant on opposing me?"

Kars:"You see, this man is a dear Friend of someone I greatly admire, a person by the name of Jotaro Kujo. he doesn't like talking about his youth, but from what Jolyne has told me I know he lost many good friends to a monster, a monster I believe I had a part in creating. I do not have the heart to be the one to tell him he lost yet another friend to a monster like you! You will not touch him!!!!"

Diavolo:"And here I was starting to respect you....『KING CRIMSON』"

Time distorts as King Crimson's fist is impaled through Kars's stomach.

Diavolo:"We've done this dance enough for me to know that I can not Kill you. but I can incapacitate you long enough to escape and receive the arrow."

Kars:"Oh yeah? and how are you going to do that?"



Kars glances back as  something small is thrown at him.

grabbing it and taking a glance at it he smirks as he clenches his fist and steps back before beginning to count.

1.... 2....

he rushes Diavolo with his fist

3.... 4....

King Crimson appears ready to defend

5... 6....

Kars swings his fist in Diavolo's Direction

7.... 8....

and smashes his fist into the wall next to him.

9.... 10....

Diavolo:"HA! I didn't even need to worry about dodging that! I saw you miss withing my epitaph..."

Kars:"That was the plan..."


Kars crushes his fist as Purple Smoke begins to fill the area.

Kars:"I made you believe I was going to attack to trick you into using your Future sight... then my final attack would strike at the 11th second."

Diavolo:"B-BAKANA!!!! TH-THIS IS...."

"Purple Hazes' Virus Capsule..."

Pannacotta Fugo stands proud toward the bottom of the Staircase.

(Shoot I forgot to but the pose Picture here)

(Shoot I forgot to but the pose Picture here)

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