Chapter 4

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Corbyn's POV:-
Jack showed me around. I have to admit. I was definitely not expecting the greeting that I got. Probably he was stressed about something. I needed to find out what so I could help him.

As we walked down the hallway, I glanced at him. He had changed so much. Instead of brown hair, he had blonde and the curls were replaced by normal straight hair with a slight bit of color on them. His face seemed more mateur. Which was expected. But over all he was still the most gorgeous human being.

After my tour, I showed him my schedule and found out that we had almost every class together except Algebra which he had in his third and I in my fifth as I had applied for the football team and third was football practice. His was art.

We made our way to class and sat down. As it was the beginning of the school year, I didn't have much to do so I had just waited for the teacher to start. I actually liked studying. Although my main passion had always been football and singing. But I had decided to pursue football.

After class, I waited for Jack to come outside and saw him leaving the classroom with two other boys. One was a blonde and the other was a brunette. I walked up to them and greeted them both. Jack remained silent and just looked up yo glance at me before moving his head back down to the floor. I sighed. I needed to find out what was wrong. I shook my thoughts as one of them greeted me back.

"Hey", the blonde said smiling at me."So. You must be Corbyn".

"Yep. That's me", I said laughing.

"Well. It's nice to meet you. I'm Zach. And this is my boyfriend, Daniel", the brunette said smiling at me and shaking hands whilst pointing at the blonde boy standing beside him.

"Nice to meet you too Daniel and Zach", I said shaking hands with both of them."I hope we can be friends".

"Definitely", both of them said smiling at me.

I smiled back as we headed to our next class. Apparently we all had similar schedules. I just wish Jonah and Eben were here. But they weren't moving here until next week. As we walked to our class, I found out that Daniel was also part of the football team. He said he would take me to the try outs after second period. I loved second period which was science. We took our seats and the lesson started. We were learning about chromosomes and DNA.

As soon as second class ended, Daniel and I made our way to where the school gym was. Where today the practice was being held. I was a little bit nervous if I would be accepted in the football team or not as I was the new student.

I took a deep breath to calm down my nerves and followed Daniel to the try outs room.

As soon as we entered I saw a bunch of boys practicing their kicks and stuff.

Once try outs began, I started to feel nervous again. I was the last one to go upto the coach to practice. And as I did everyone started glancing at me, making me a little more nervous than I should've been. I looked back at Daniel and he gave me a thumbs up. I took another deep breath and approached the coach. I did a few stunts with the football scoring the goal each time. Even though there were like ten people trying to block my every move.

The coach looked at me with a wide smile once I was finished. But didn't say anything and instead blew his whistle. Every boy in the gym stood up straight as the coach started talking.

"Okay. Try outs are over", the couch said loudly so the whole room could hear him."Come back here after last period to know if you have been selected or not. You may now leave for your next classes".

I made my way to where Daniel was standing. He was smiling at me.
"Dude. You were great", he said grinning at me."I bet you'll be selected as the captain".

"Really?", I said with my eyes sparkling"You think so?".

"I know so", he said smiling at me again as we made our way out of the gym."And besides there are only two people beside you who are old enough to become captains and you're undoubtedly the best out of them all. You know only a senior can become captain here".

"Oh. Really?", I said a little bit confused."At my old school anyone could become the football captain if they wanted to".

"Well. Not here", he said laughing."Were you the captain of the football team at your old school?".

"Yeah", I answered smiling at him.
"That's cool dude", he said grinning at me again.

We made our way to our next class, Physics, which wasn't actually that bad but I just wasn't fond of it that much.

~Time Skip~ (After School).
After last period I made my way towards my locker and put in my books and grabbing those that I needed for studying.

As I finished stacking my books, I saw Jack, Daniel and Zach approaching their lockers which were beside mine. They put their books in and grabbed what they needed. Then we made made our way. Daniel and I still didn't find out if we made the team as the coach had to really leave early due to some complications and the team would be announced tomorrow in the third period. My nerves hadn't calm down since this morning. Meeting Jack, Try outs, the new school. It was just too much exciting to handle.

I offered to drop Daniel and Zach at Dani's house. They were going to have a study date or something. They hopped in the back of my car and Jack got in the passenger seat. I got in as well and drove off to Dani's house. We chatted while driving to his house. After we dropped off them both, the car ride was pretty much silent as Jack was apparently not in the mood to talk.

I sighed. I was getting concerned. Even though I had known Jack for only a few hours, I was actually concerned for the boy. As soon as we arrived, he got out of the car, completely ignoring me and went inside the house. I sighed again as I parked the car and made my inside the house going to mine and Jack's room after greeting his mother and grandfather.

Oh did I forget to mention that I was living with Jack and that we were practically roommates.

As I got there, I saw that the room was empty. Jack was probably in the shower or just using the bathroom or something.

Once he got out, I got done and made my way downstairs to eat dinner. After dinner I said goodnight to everyone and went back upstairs to  do my homework, Jack had already done his. I finished and and got into bed. Jack and I were sleeping in the same bed. I mean we were pretty much engaged so it was normal.
I shut off the light and whispered him a good night. And I got back a mumbled "good night". I snuggled into bed and immediately fell asleep.

A/N:- Okay guys. Another chapter. I hope you like it. Thanks for reading. And do you have any predictions about the next chapter? Leave them in the comments. I'll give you a hint. Next chapter is going to include a little bit of drama or maybe more than just a little bit 😉. Anyways Have a good or day night and Stay Blessed 😃💕. Love you guys:).

PS:- Don't forget to share if you like this and vote. It means alot 😃.

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