Chapter 15 - Huntsman's Return

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Peter had spent the night, no matter how tired he was, working on a plan to bring hydra down. Once everyone was asleep he headed to Tony's lab and grabbed his old suit. They won't be alarmed if I'm in this suit.

The sun starts to rise and the Avengers start to wake up. Wanda was put in charge of Peter today as the rest of them go out, following Natasha's plan. Wanda walks into the kitchen and starts to make pancakes for her and Peter. Once the pancakes are done she notices Peter has still yet to come out of his room. She walks over to his room and listens for any sound but nothing is heard, not even Peter thinking in his head. Wanda panics and opens the door, she looks around and doesn't see Peter. She starts to panic but then notices the sound of a shower running in the bathroom. Stop panicking he is fine, just taking a shower. She goes back to the kitchen and makes a plate for both of them. After his shower he gets dressed, brushes his hair then heads to go eat. He walks out into the kitchen and sits down while Wanda hands him a plate of pancakes. "Did you sleep ok last night, Peter?" Peter looks back at her and shrugs, "Ok, I guess." Wanda starts to clean up the kitchen as Peter finishes eating. "What do you want to do today?" Wanda looks at Peter. "I want to stay in my room." Wanda looks at him a big confused and concerned. "Are you sure?" Peter nods his head and starts to head to his room. "Yeah I just want to be left alone today." He goes into his room and shuts the door behind him. Should I be worried or just give him his space.... He probably just needs time to himself right now. Wanda heads to the training room to find something to waste time with until the rest of the team gets back. 

Peter gets his old suit out of the back of the closet and just stares at it for a moment. I guess I'm glad I kept this thing.... He sighs and puts the suit on. The suit doesn't quite fit the same way he thought it use too. It's a lot tighter then the newer one, it's itchy and a lot more annoying to wear than Peter remembered. He looks up at the ceiling, "Um... Friday." A second passes and Friday replies. "Yes, Peter." Peter walks over closer to his window. "Will you turn camera's to my room off and don't tell anyone I am leaving." He opens the window ready to jump out. "Will do." Friday says right before Peter jumps out of the window and starts to swing between the buildings.

Peter never really knew where he was being kept, he wasn't allowed to know the location. The one thing he does know is the the "pick up spot." After every mission he had he was ordered to go back to this one location were a truck of men would come and pick him up to take him back to the facility, so that is where he was heading. It took him a while to get there but he finally made it. The location was an abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere; Peter landed right outside of it then walked inside. The inside was bare, nothing but empty crates and spider webs. He walked around for a moment before his spider sense went off telling him that someone else is in there with him. He jumps up into the beams in the ceiling and looks down to see who else is there. Two soldiers walk out into the open space and look around. "The doc said he was right here, I don't see him." Peter jumps down in front of them obviously making the soldiers jump a bit. "I'm right here." The soldiers point their weapons at him, as if they are fast enough to even stop him. "Stand down, Huntsman." One of the soldiers yell out at Peter. At first Peter didn't want to listen, he didn't want to be controlled again. But he knew the only way to stop them was from the inside so he had to listen to everything they said... even if he would get hurt. "I won't tell you again. Stand down, Huntsman!" Peter gets down on his knees, puts his hands behind his head, and lowers his head to show he is not going to fight. They rush over to him and cuff him with cuffs made especially for him. They inject him with a liquid that makes him pass out. 

Time passes and Peter wakes up in his old cell, the old cold, small and quiet cell. He sits in what he thinks is a corner and balls himself up. I've got to stay strong, control my fear and stay focused for this to work. It has to work... It has too.

Peter had calculated almost everything to make sure his planned worked but the one thing his missed was calculating his old handler with the red book. One wall of the cell opened up and once again the scientist, which happens to be his handler, and two soldiers stand outside of it. "Hello once again, Huntsman." The handler smirked at him. "We have missed you and by how easy you surrendered you must have missed us too." He chuckles to himself. I could never miss this place... not in a million years. Peter looks up from his knees and glares at his handler, but then sees the red book and gets scared. NO! How could I forget that! The handler tilts his head signaling the soldiers to grab Peter but Peter doesn't go without a fight. "There is the Huntsman I know." The Handler's smirk fades. It takes time but eventually Peter is grabbed and dragged to the experimentation lab. "Now lets fix you, you have caused a lot of problems for us but now we're going to fix them." The handler opens the red book and flips through the pages as the soldier secure Peter in the chair. "No stop! Please! I'll stop fighting, I'll listen I swear!" Peter pleads and pleads. The handler shakes his head, "Never did like how much you screamed." He finds the page he was looking for and starts to read off Peter's trigger words. One by one Peter tries to fight but isn't strong enough this time. With the last word said they have their Huntsman back and they are going to make sure they don't lose him again.


Hey guys! I know its been forever and I'm so sorry. My computer broke and that's what I used to update my stories but no worries I just got a new computer! So get ready for updates! They won't be super often because I'm in college now but I will try my best to atleast update once a week. 

The Huntsman Spider // Peter P. //Where stories live. Discover now