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Code Name: The Huntsman Spider

Subjects Name: Peter Benjamin Parker

Birthdate: August 10, 2003

Weight: 105 Lbs.

Age: 15

Sex: Male

Description: Slim, Muscular, Brown Hair, Brown eyes.

Relatives: Mary Parker - Deceased
                  Richard Parker - Deceased
                  Benjamin Parker - Deceased
                  May Parker - Deceased

Abilities: The subject is able to stick and climb up walls as well as shoot a spider web like substance out of his wrists. All of his 5 human like senses are enhanced, and much stronger than a normal subject. The subject has a 6th sense that can detect danger near by, a long with inhuman like strength. Along with retractable fangs.

Weakness: The subject has an extremely high metabolism, to keep under control feed once every four days.
The subject can not withstand high frequency sounds such as a whistle.

"Web Shooters" (much like his natural web shooting abilities the "Web Shooters" are stronger.)
Large blades that can protrude out of the "Web Shooters" when forcefully striking downwards.

Trigger Words:
(Longing) желание
(Forsaken) покинутый
(Torment) мучение
(Daybreak) рассвет
(3) три
(Fortunate) удачливый
(Far away) далеко
(2) два

Trigger Words:(Longing) желание(Forsaken) покинутый(Torment) мучение(Daybreak) рассвет(3) три(Fortunate) удачливый(Far away) далеко(2) два

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The Huntsman Spider // Peter P. //Where stories live. Discover now