Chapter 18 - Back Home

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Trigger Warning: Hint at SA

If you don't want to read the Hint of it (nothing specific cause I could never!) Just skip the 3rd paragraph.

The horned man let out a small laugh. "I knew you would accept, I really missed my little spider." he turned around and faced Peter with that god-awful smile on his face. "DON'T...don't call me that." Peter closed his eyes tightly not watching as the man walked closer to him. He stood in front of Peter and tilted his head up with one finger. "Open your eyes and follow me, let's get that suit off of you." He turned around and walked out of the room not going far to make sure Peter was following right behind him.

Peter let out a shaky breath and followed the man down the hallway into another room. On their way to this room, the man put in a code that shut off the alarm system so that the lights would come back on. "Ah, much better." The man walked over to a desk and started to rummage through the drawers. Peter stayed close to the door and looked around the room they were in. "Ah ha!" The man said with excitement finding the instrument he needed to deactivate Peter's suit. "Peter come here." He said to him as he sat down and patted his lap. "I'm not going to sit on your lap." He walked a little bit closer. "You want the suit off?" The man threatened knowing that he has to do whatever he wants if he wants his freedom. Peter let out a shuttered breath then walked over to him and sat on his lap with his back to the man. "Good boy." He said with a devilish smirk. He started to tamper with the mechanics of the suit as Peter sat as still as possible. He was beyond uncomfortable, he didn't want to be here but if this was the only way, he could withstand this monster one more time... right? 

After what seemed like forever for Peter he felt a gush of air against his neck like the suit had released pressure. The suit felt so much looser and more open in the back. The man smiled at his accomplishment and moved the suit over Peter's shoulders, letting it hang around his arms. "The suit is deactivated."  He rubbed his fingers across his freckled shoulders causing a shiver down Peter's back. "oh, how you have matured." The man kissed Peter's shoulder and wrapped his hand around his waist. 

Peter closed his eyes tightly and tried to imagine he was somewhere else. He wished he was back at the tower with Tony and Bucky. He wish he had the strength to stop what was happening but he couldn't. He was weak from how H.Y.D.R.A treated him, he was scared, and most of all the horned man was so much stronger than he ever was. He wished it would be over soon so he could go back home... he wanted to go home... he wanted to go home so badly.

(Fuck I hated writing that so much) 

He did what he wanted then threw him a blanket to wear. "Sorry, I don't have any extra clothes that would fit you." He looked at Peter with a smirk. Peter wrapped himself tightly and quickly wiped the tears down his face. "Do you need me to carry you to the car? I'll drop you off wherever you want." Peter shook his head violently "No... I can stand." Peter struggled a bit to stand leaning on the desk near him. The horned man reached out to help him but Peter glared at him not having the energy to snarl or bare his teeth. "Alright fine, struggle then." The man said with his arms in the air. 

Peter followed him out of the building to a black car parked in the back. They both got in the car, the man driving and Peter in the backseat. Peter told him where he wanted to be dropped off and the man started driving. They drove in silence, Peter was looking out the window just waiting to see the city in view. Once they made it into the city the man stopped the car about a block away. "I don't need to be on Starks radar, so you can get out here." Peter looked at him and nodded. He heard the door unlock so he got out of the car. "Fair well, Little Spider. I had fun." That devilish smile was plastered on his face as he drove off. Peter had a shiver go down his spine making him pull the blanket even tighter. 

The walk isn't too far... I can do this. He sighed and then slowly made his way to Stark Tower. As he got close to the tower he heard someone say his name. "Peter?" He looked up from concentrating on walking. There in front of the Tower doors was Steve, he looked beyond surprised. Peter looked at him and the floodgates opened. The tears kept coming and he couldn't get to Steve fast enough. Steve ran over to him and hugged him tightly. "Oh my, you are actually here." He picked him up with the way he was hugging him. Peter just kept crying and mumbling small sorry over and over again. Steve carried him into the tower and told Jarvis to tell everyone the news. "Jarvis, tell Banner to meet me in the med bay." They took the elevator up and he carried him into the med bay. Peter hasn't said much at all he was just crying. He was so happy to be home but also felt horrible for putting everyone in this situation. 

Banner and Tony come running in and look over in shock. "Peter?" Tony walked over cautiously not believing he was actually there. Seeing Tony in person again made Peter cry some more. He held out his arms like a toddler wanting a hug. Tony rushed over and hugged him tightly. "You're ok now kid, we won't let anyone hurt you again. I swear on my life." Peter buried his head in Tony's chest. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He kept repeating to everyone. "Shh stop saying sorry. We are just glad to have you back." Banner walked over and ruffled Peter's hair. "Great to have you back, can I do a check-up on you?" Peter's eyes widened and he shook his head, "No.... I..I'm fine. I'm just hungry... and thirsty." Banner was a little shocked that he said no but based on the way he arrived he didn't push. "Ok, you'd let me know if you needed medical help though, right?" He questioned him. Peter nodded his head.

He just didn't want them to know what happened. He wanted to forget everything, from the horned man, to what H.Y.D.R.A did to him. He wanted to forget it all. He knew he wasn't horribly injured nothing that Banner could do anyways, so why even say anything? 

Steve left to go get Peter some clothes as he noticed it didn't look like he was wearing anything under the blanket. Why wasn't he wearing anything? 

Once he heard the news Bucky came barging into the med bay. "Is it true!?" He looked over and saw Peter still holding tightly to Tony. Peter looked over and saw Bucky. "Bucky..." He reached out to him wanting to hold him close, making sure this was all real. Bucky rushed over and pulled Peter into a hug. "Damn it kid, We were a wreck without you." Peter squeezed tighter in the hug. "I'm sorry." Bucky shook his head. "Don't you dare say sorry, You are not to blame." 

Steve came back with some clothes and they all left the room so Peter could get dressed. Peter caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror and looked away quickly. He didn't want to see the condition his body was in. He was sure he lost weight from not eating and he was sure he had marks all over him whether it was from his handler beating him or... that... He quickly got dressed thankful that Steve brought him a long-sleeved shirt and a pair of sweatpants. He walked out of the Med bay being greeted by Bucky. "Do you want to go see the others or go rest?" Peter thought about it for a moment then hugged Bucky again. "I want to go see everyone." Bucky rubbed his back and nodded. "alright let's go." They made their way to the living room where everyone was impatiently waiting. They all heard the news but didn't want to crowd Peter. 

When Peter walked into the room everyone looked over and smiled. Natasha quickly walked over and hugged Peter gently as a mother would. "I'm so glad you're back." She said softly. Peter hugged her back not saying anything. They had no idea how happy he was to be home again. 


This one isn't too long but at least it's some kind of update. 

Horned-man hopefully will never be seen again and we are definitely not done with H.Y.D.R.A.

Poor baby Peter can't get a break. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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