~School project~

Começar do início

I sat down at the table in the park, throwing my bag down as I slammed my head onto the wooden table. I heard Noah and Mark wince while Mia and Shawn just looked at me weirdly. "Bad day?"

"Fucking hell more like it." I muttered as I lifted my head up to look at Noah. "I have to do the fucking baby project with Ella."

"I'm not happy about it either charming." Ella said as she sat down beside Mia, I scowled at her as I turned back to Noah. "Can I come round to yours tonight after work?"

"I thought you didn't have work during the weekdays...?"

"I do now, I called Mr boss man and he said I could have more shifts, besides, I'm the best chef they've got." I said, that wasn't me boasting, I am actually the best chef they've got.

"Uh yeah, of course man! Are you gonna stay the night?"

"Nah, I'll be fine." I said as I stood up, grabbing my bag and starting to walk off to work. "Uh, where do you think you're going?!" Ella asked, causing me to turn around and glare at her. "To work, because some of us actually have responsibilities. No do me a favour, shut the fuck up because I am already irritated."

With that I spun around and walked off, heading towards the dinner.


"So is it alright if when I get paid, 75 percent of it gets handed to me and the other 25 goes to my account?" I asked Mr boss man, he lets us call him Tony but Mr boss man just sounds funnier...

"Uh yeah of course! But if you don't mind me asking... why?"

"I'm going to start saving the 75 percent in cash and the 25 is all that I'll use. That way I don't over spend stuff, you know?" I said, hoping that Tony would take my lie and just agree with me. "That makes perfect sense Kiddo, I'll start that tonight with your payment."

"Thank you Tony, I really appreciate it." I said with a smile, Tony sent one back before starting to get back to work. I got back to my shift, which Tony was more than happy to have me working more often.

I started making Chompers, people seemed to love those. As I was making the latest meal, the bell rang, I looked up to see the person I didn't want to see...


But whose that girl with him?

Dad and the lady beside him walked up to the counter, dad looked directly at me. I brought the most recent meal out, handing it to Julie. "I'll take this one Julie, chefs honour." I said, that was my way of saying that this person was 'important' to me. She nodded her head before taking the meal to the table.

"Hi, what can I get you today?" I asked, trying to sound as professional as I could. Dad took a look at the menu, a smile on his face. "Let's have two of the Chompers, would ya?" I nodded my head, putting in how much it would be. "That'll be $17.95" I said, dad's smile turned into a scowl. "You know what, my treat, I'll pay." I said, trying to hide my fear with a smile. I pulled out my wallet, putting $17.95 into the cash register before going into the kitchen and making two Chompers.

As I was cooking, I looked up at the clock, dad had come in close to when my shift would end. Probably so he could get the money. I finished making the burgers before adding some fries and two large cokes. I picked up the tray and made my way out to the table where dad and that girl were sitting at. "Chefs treat." I said before walking back into the kitchen.

After they ate, dad sent me a look that sent shivers down my spine, he left shortly after though. A few more customers came in before it was closing time, I started to pack up like I always do, making sure everything was put away, shut off and clean.

"Liam, here's your check, the 75 you asked for and I've sent through the 25."

"Thank you sir, I really appreciate it." I said as I took the envelope from Tony, I gathered my things, placing the envelope in my bag before walking out and starting to head towards Noah's house.

A car pulled up beside me, instantly I felt my heart drop as I recognised the car. "Where are you going Liam?" My father asked as he rolled the window down, stopping the car beside me. "I-I was heading to N-Noah's house..."

"Why? I want you to come home and meet my new girlfriend!" Dad said, so that who that chick is... I let out a silent sigh as I climbed into the back of the car. As I sat down, I noticed the little girl beside me. She had fear in her eyes, but I knew she wasn't scared of me. "That's my daughter, her name is Jenny." The woman in the front said, I nodded my head.

Dad drove away, I felt Jenny grab ahold of my hand. I held her hand back, giving it a reassuring squeeze. I could feel the fear radiating off of her, the same fear I had once felt at a young age. Something wasn't right, I could feel her shaking, and not because she was cold.

We soon arrived home, dad and the woman got out first, then I got out, helping the little girl out. We made our way inside, I kept close to Jenny, but she had let go of my hand.

Once we were inside, dad told me and Jenny to sit on the couch, I did as he said, as did Jenny. Once we were sat down, dad and the woman stood in front of us. "Liam, this is Amy, my girlfriend."

"Th-that means..."

"She's your new mother..."


So, Liam has a new 'mother' now, does that mean little Jenny is his sister?

So, Liam has a new 'mother' now, does that mean little Jenny is his sister?

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Young Sadie Sink plays little Jenny Smith
Age: 7

Young Sadie Sink plays little Jenny SmithAge: 7

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Julia Roberts plays Amy Smith
Age: 36

Break the Broken boyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora