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Kaida stood up, her chair screeching with the sudden motion and causing Master Tenzin to flinch but she paid no heed to his reaction as she turned to face the Chief of police that took a few quick steps forward until she was standing in front of the long table they had gathered around, next to the chair that had been set out for Consultant Wu.

"Missing?" Kaida repeated, her eyes never leaving the woman. "He has been kidnapped?"

"There were certainly signs of struggle in his room but the receptionists claim they didn't see anyone getting in the hotel and Consultant Wu headed straight to his room and hasn't been seen since."

"Of course they didn't leave through the door," Kaida almost felt like scoffing and she barely managed to keep herself from rolling her eyes as she turned to the three men around the table. All of them seemed concerned.

"Did you search the hotel thoroughly?" Master Tenzin asked, to which the Chief nodded.

"We did. I've now asked my men to patrol around the area and ask the people if they've seen any suspicious behaviour."

"Consultant Wu must have been the one they had been targeting yesterday," Kaida spoke up once more and at her suggestion, she caught sight of Chief Tonraq nod.

"We can't be certain," Master Tenzin pointed out before President Raiko spoke up, his attention on the Chief of the police.

"Thank you, Chief Beifong, for your aid. We need to make sure everyone remains calm and Consultant Wu returns in one piece as soon as possible while alerting the public as little as possible."

Kaida didn't say a word as Chief Beifong frowned. "I'm afraid that can't happen, President Raiko. Journalists already know."

The President's eyebrows furrowed as he turned his gaze on the table. "Very well. Let's try to reassure them then. We need Consultant Wu back as soon as possible."

The Chief of police nodded before walking out of the room. One by one, the men stood up and as President Raiko and Chief Tonraq headed to President Raiko's office to talk business regarding the Water tribe, she headed to Master Tenzin. They hadn't even crossed the door when she spoke up.

"I could help in the search of Consultant Wu."

"Thank you for offering but I'm afraid we can't intervene as of yet," he muttered as he turned to face her. "Our positions hold great power and meaning, as I'm sure you know. A simple act will impact our nations greatly."

Kaida knew what he was talking about and didn't press the matter any more as she nodded and together, they left the building. Only to be bombarded by flashes from cameras and people who were talking all at once. Kaida stopped as Tenzin beside her let out a sigh.

"One question at a time," he called out. The journalists didn't stop but a question was heard louder than the others.

"Do you believe Consultant Wu was kidnapped by the same people that attacked you yesterday?"

"We can't be sure, we don't have any evidence," Master Tenzin spoke up. Another question was asked.

"What are you going to do to get Consultant Wu back?"

"Chief Beifong and the police force have launched an investigation and are working on getting back Consultant Wu."

"Princess Kaida, do you believe you'll be the next target?"

She briefly turned to face the journalist who asked her the question before she answered, "No."

"You don't think this organisation is threatening foreign people of power?"

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