Chapter 30

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I was freaking out. I don't know what to do I don't want to see jack. I'm going to stay with Calum the whole time they're with us.

"Are you ok you seem uncomfortable"

"I'm ok it's just that"


"I have to tell you in private"

We walked out the room back into the hall.

"So tell me what's bothering you" he said a little worried.

"It's just that I was dating one of the jacks"

"So how is that bad your with me"

"It's just I got pregnant with him and had a miscarriage"

"Babe I'm sorry I didn't know"

"I'm not finished"

" he cheated on me when I was going through that and he just left me" I was crying at that point. I haven't felt the hot tears sense I was with Nash. He would always help me with the hard points in life. Man I miss those moments.

He wrapped his strong arms around me. I cried into his chest.

"I will never hurt you like that"

"T-th-thanks" I said in between breaths


I was laying on top of Calum while the guys and karla and I forgot Luke's girl. They were watching a movie. There was a knock at the door and woke me up.

"What the fuck I was sleeping"

"Looks like someone's on their period"Michael said as a joke

"Shut up and go open the door"

He finally got up to the door.
Jack g. Jack j. And Matt came in. Matt introduced everyone. But there was one thing. He was looking at me the whole time. I told everyone that I was going to get some air outside. I walked all the way to the snack machine. I got a water bottle and then some hands came around my waist. I thought it was Calum but then he started to go up. By then I knew it wasn't Calum. I turned around and snaked who ever it was in the face.

"What the fuck"

"It's not my fault. I didn't go around trying to touch people"

It was jack. He didn't say anything. He pinned me to the wall and started kissing my neck. I started screaming for Calum.


"Shut up before I hit" you he covered my mouth

Calum came running and tackled him. He was punching jack nonstop. By then the guys came and pulled them apart. I ran straight to Calum.

"Why would you fucking do that" Karla spat

"She should be with me" jack yelled

"You now w-what you d-d-did to me" I said in between breaths

Jack J and Matt took away jack.

"Did he hurt you" Calum asked all worried.

"No I just want to be with you am you only"

"I will be with you. Forever and always?"

"Always and forever"

We went back to our movie. I kept on thinking of what jack said to me. How I should be with jack and not Calum.


OMG I want a boyfriend like Calum. I'm making myself jealous.

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