|| An Esther's Retelling ||

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"Accept was is.
Let go of what was.
Have faith in what will be." ~ anonymous

" ~ anonymous

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Six months.

Six months flew by in a twinkle of an eye.

Six months and the change was evident.

Perhaps it was the was the way she was taught. Perhaps it was the way she was. Perhaps it was something that she always thought. Perhaps it was the aura she carried.

The aura that made people smile more. The aura that humbled people. The aura that made people more respectful. The aura that taught people empathy.

It started of slowly. The maids, the guards, the grounds workers.

Even the prince and princess began to feel more alive.

The hard rock of a heart the councilmen had, gradually began to crack as they began to treat people as people and not as tools.

Everyone noticed the change.

Everyone enjoyed the change.

Everyone changed.

Everyone but Dakota.

Dakota, who was living the life she always had.

Who was still smiling, still running, still shining.

Remember who you are

Her mother's words echoed.

She sat on her stool humming a tune whilst subconsciously
twisting her hair.

She never expected to enjoy living in the capital.

Yes, she was still restricted to the palace walls. Yes, nobody outside knew who she was, and yes, she she still could not return home.

But the capital changed. It changed enough for her stay.

She spent the better part of her days with Trina, taking lessons with the queen's advisors and afternoon walks through the endless gardens.

At night however, she snuck of to the prince's bed chambers. Where they would stare and the stars and talk and talk and talk until they all faded away in the birth of morning light.

Her life was basic. Her life was organized and planned. She did not hate it, but she did not like it either.

Her heart held a longing for the wildness home.

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