Part 29: the one where it makes sense now

Start from the beginning

"Yeah you do too," I mumble quietly, almost as if I didn't want him to hear me, but he did.

"Weird." He states before looking ahead of him. I look over to see Stacey and Freya dancing with the people around them. I felt bad about Stacey and Luke. I shouldn't have ruined their relationship.

"Ruel?" I ask him, my eyes not leaving the site of Freya and Stacey on the dance floor. They looked so carefree. So happy.

"Do you remember me?" I blurt out. I said it before my brain could even register the words rolling off my tongue.

"What?" he asks confused. My head snaps to look at him. My emotions were bounds to overflow at any moment. I was so happy to see him again but god I felt miserable that he didn't remember me. I felt awful that I came between Luke and Stacey, even if I hate Luke I have no right to come between their personal lives. I thought about my parents and how they are probably sitting at home worrying, but not doing anything to reciprocate the worry. I knew they cared about me, just not enough. A sudden thought popped in my mind and I don't know whether it was the alcohol, adrenaline or both but I felt like I needed to do this. Yeah, it was the alcohol.

"Ruel, can we go somewhere?" I ask and he seemed even more confused than ever.

"Where?" he asks me.

"It's a surprise." I simply state before getting my phone out and getting an Uber. Ruel didn't seem to mind and I was glad, but part of me worried that he was trusting me. As much as it hurts to admit, he doesn't know me and I could be out to murder him right now. I stand up suddenly and the blood rushes to my head, causing me to stumble a little. Much to my pleasure, Ruel stood up soon enough for me to stumble into his chest. His arms reach for my waist as I slip from his chest to the floor, but he catches me just in time. It takes me a minute to register it before standing up straight and gaining my composer. Again.

"Thank you. Again," I say blushing and he gives a quick 'you're welcome'. We head to the dance floor to get to the front door. I tell Stacey I could Uber to her place or something and she nods before I say goodbye to Freya and her. We walk outside and the cold air pricks my skin. I didn't mind though; I'd always preferred the cold overheat. Next thing I knew, the Uber had pulled up and we were in the back seat, each of us in silence starring out to the world.

"So where are we going?" Ruel asks me breaking the silence that filled the car.

"As I said before, it's a surprise," I say looking at him.

"I can't believe this," he says and rolls his eyes.

"I can't believe you. I'm surprised you're putting your trust in a total stranger." I say, the thought of him not knowing me ever so vivid in my mind.

"Me either honestly," he says with a small smirk. I could tell he was also drunk, just a lot less than I was.

"So why are you in this car with a stranger?" I ask him as I smirk slyly. This alcohol had made me flirtier and daring.

"Because for some godforsaken reason, I trust you."


The car comes to a halt at our destination and I thank the driver before getting out. Ruel follows shortly after.

"Where are we?" he asks me and I turn to face him.

"You'll see." I simply answer and headed down the small path. I was praying this would work. If it didn't, I don't know what my explanation would be to make him understand why I brought him here. The tree's surrounding us had tones of green and yellow but it was hard to see anything since the only source of light was the small moon peeking through the thick trees. I heard Ruel's footsteps follow behind me and I finally stopped walking. He came and stood next to me as I looked at the sight before us. There is was. In all its glory. The playground. My playground. OUR playground.

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