Part 27: the one where they go

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a/n: sorry this is kind of a filler chapter but I needed to put out something

"Lana?" he says as his facial expression. I'm speechless. I can't breathe. Out of all people, why him?

"You two know each other?" Stacey says confused.

"Stace, this is the guy I told you about," I tell her, not looking away from him.

"What guy?" she asks still confused.

"The one who cheated on me with Ruel's girlfriend at the time," I say in the most monotone voice possible.

"Lana I'm so-" he tries talking before I cut him off.

"Really? You're sorry? A bit fuckin late for that one Luke," I say anger building in me. Of fucking course, her boyfriend would be Luke.

"Lana I think we should go," Stacey says stepping away from Luke and toward me. She could clearly sense the anger radiating off of me.

"Is Evie yours?" I ask him, trying my hardest not to be angry. He nods. Anger boils inside me and I feel like it's about to spill over the edge. That's why she looked familiar. She looks like Luke.

"So you're telling me when we were together you had a child that you didn't even bother to mention one fucking time?" I ask him, trying not to yell since I didn't want to wake up Evie.

"Lana he didn't know till he moved to Sydney," Stacey says trying to calm me down. I was so overwhelmed.

"Luke, do you even understand the shit you put me through? I don't think you know the amount of pain I was in when you cheated on me, let alone with my best friend's girlfriend who just happened to bully me my entire life." I say feeling the emotions hit me all over again.

"Lana I never wanted to hurt you," he says softly.

"It doesn't matter if you meant to or not Luke, you did hurt me and fucking badly. I can't even look at you without wanting to slap you, burst into tears and kiss you at the same time. I hate that part of me still loves you because I gave so much of myself to you and you threw it all away and for what? Just so you could get a quickie in? Fuck you for hurting me and fuck you for leaving like you did." I say finally and I walk to the front door.

"Lana wait." I hear him say.

"What Luke? What else could you possibly have to say right now?" I ask him as I turn around

"I still love you," she says quickly. I see Stacey's facial expression drop and her face sadden. For fuck's sake.

"Okay and?" I sass.

"W-what?" he asks in shock. I slowly walk toward him.

"I'm done with you. I don't care if part of me still loves you, I won't let that part of me in control. I've learned my worth Luke. You can't just say you love me still and that your sorry and expect me to come running back to you. It's not how this works. You have a daughter with such an amazing woman and I'm sure you just shattered her heart by saying you love another woman right in front of her. You are a horrible person. Get some fucking help." I say centimeters away from his face. With each word I said, I saw his facial expression drop even more. I walk back to the door and open it.

"Stacey, do you wanna come with me still?" I ask her completely ignoring Luke. She wipes the tears that fell down her cheeks and nods her head. She tries to walk toward the door but Luke stops her.

"You're not going anywhere." He says demandingly. She shoves his hand away.

"Don't fucking touch me," she says shoving his hand away. We quickly leave the house and walk to the car, Luke calling out to us both. We get in her car and she starts driving immediately. We drive in silence, the only sound being made was the soft sound of pop songs on the radio.

"Lana I'm so sorry," I hear Stacey say quietly and I look over to see tears welling up in her eyes.

"Don't be sorry, you didn't know. I'm sorry for acting the way I did," I apologize and she shook her head.

"You don't need to apologize, you did the right thing. Trust me, I would've done the same." She says with a sad smile as a few tears fall to her cheeks. She quickly wipes them off her cheeks before talking.

"Listen here kid, we are gonna go to this party, we are gonna find Ruel, we are gonna make you two fall in love again and everything will be fine." She says with a forced smile. I felt terrible.

"Stacey, if you want to go back home it's okay I understand." I console her.

"Don't be a dumbass, this is exactly what we both need. A couple of drinks, dance around with amazing people and chill for a while. If I go home, I'll argue with Luke and we will wake up Evie and it will cause me more stress. I need this. You need this. We are going to this party," she said in a determined tone.

"Are you sure?" I ask one more time.

"One hundred percent," she states and turns on the radio so we could dance a bit before we got to the party.

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