Chapter 4

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It was currently 6:46 P.M. Its been 8 hours since Narancia's offer to you and revealing who he truly was, well, somewhat revealing himself. You hadn't bothered on leaving the mansion for the day, let alone walk out of your room and walk around your gigantic house. You were currently lying on your bed staring at your wide ceiling in deep thought.


"I'm saying that . . . come join the familia with me." Narancia said straightforward.

"Are you talking about a mafia?" You asked wanting to clarify what he meant.

"Yes." Narancia nodded.

You looked down on the floor seeing both of your shoes. This was all going way too fast, you barely met him a month ago and only seen each other twice, to sum it up you barely knew the guy but yet he made you feel like someone else not your outcast-ed introverted self. He hasn't done anything sketchy nor hurt you.

"So your a gang member?" You asked still looking down.

Narancia's hands stiffened on your shoulders, he was hesitant to answer you. He sighed and as he did so you felt his hands ease up, "Yes."

You felt your words got caught in your throat as you bit your lower lip. Was he only trying to get close to you to kidnap you and make money off of you? Or was he sent to kill you and is slowly revealing his true colors before you meet your unprepared demise?

Narancia put a hand under your chin and made you look at him. He was 2 inches taller than you so, there wasn't much of a height difference. He tucked a clump of hair behind your ear and stared deep into your eyes.

"(Y/n). If your thinking I'm here to harm you, you are dead wrong. I care about your happiness, your miserable here. You're my friend."

"F-Friend?" You thought.

You didn't say anything to Narancia instead you shot your eyes to the corner feeling dazed by the word 'friend.' Narancia ruffled your hair and ran to your window and opened it, he turned to you and said:

"I know this is sudden and I get it if you don't trust me but I want to see you happy, I'll take you on bizarre adventures with the gang. It's up to you. I'll be back in 2 weeks, if you already had made your decision before then, I'll be waiting at Naples Park in the center of the city. See you then (Y/n)."

And just like that he was out of sight.

*End of flashback*

You were brought back into the present.

Your head was aching in pain deciding whether or not to leave your estate and flee with Narancia.

"Tch. Damn it all." You said as you placed an arm over your eyes.

"I don't even know what happiness or unhappiness is." You admitted with a shaky voice.

You ended up passing out for the night and woke up the next day to knocking at your door.

"I'm coming . . ." You said groggily.

You opened your door and to your surprise it was your parents with your bodyguards behind them.

"Huh?" You said aloud while rubbing your eyes to see if you were just imagining things.

"(Y/n) we have to talk." A deep voice spoke that belonged to your father.

You just cocked an eyebrow at the both of them and said, "Not interested."

Your parents were taken back by your reply. You were about to shut your door on them but your bodyguards Otto and Jack stopped the door and your parents and bodyguards entered your room even though you basically told them to leave you alone. They closed the door behind them as your mother fixed her glasses in place. You kept your poker face as you watched and waited for your parents to speak.

Love Can Take A Turn For The Better~ Narancia x Reader ~Where stories live. Discover now