Chapter 2

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A month has passed by since the last time you saw Narancia. You got used to sneaking out and walking all over the city on your own. You never spoke about Narancia or your adventures outside on your own, to avoid your parents taking every little inch of your freedom. Everyday you wondered:

"Why did I want to help Narancia? And why did he even help me?"

Even though you didn't know the reason, you were always walking by the alley where you met Narancia, maybe because you just wanted to look at his adorable childish face. You were lost in thought when you were walking down the stairs to head to the kitchen to have breakfast until one of your maids that was sweeping, noticed your unfocused face when walking down the stairs. 

"Madam (L/n) is everything alright?" She asked with full concern.

You blinked and looked at the maid. You shook your head. "Yes, everything is fine Ariana." You replied on the final step of the stairs and finally making your way into the kitchen. As your cook served you pancakes, eggs and bacon you stared outside the massive pentagon shaped window that let the sun invade the kitchen making it glow brightly. Before you began eating, you heard a faint voice becoming louder as it came closer into the kitchen, it was your father.

He was on the phone with the usual business call with his boss, higher-ups or co-worker. 

"Yeah, yeah I know, us and the police department are trying to figure out whose selling the drugs . . . It's getting worse." Your father said stressed out as he pulled a chair out to sit down and eat.

You stared at your father for a few seconds and resumed to eat. Your father was on the phone the entire time and when he left the house, not even saying 'Good morning.' or 'Bye I'll see you after work.' Nope. Nothing. It wasn't out of the ordinary, it was like that almost everyday. After breakfast, you decided that you wanted to go to the park near the center of Naples which will take you 30 minutes by foot. You didn't mind just as long as you were going by yourself. You walked up the stairs and saw your bodyguards still standing by your door, you grabbed the knob,

"Again Madam (F/n)? Are you sure you want to spend another day in your locked up room? You don't wanna go anywhere? Its been more than a month since you last went outside into the city." Your bodyguard Otto asked.

"Yep. I'll be fine." You bluntly answered as you opened your bedroom door.

You then walked into your huge room and closed the door and locked it behind you. You dusted your periwinkle blue colored skirt and fixed your white T-shirt in place. You went into your large closet, grabbed white socks and light blue converse and grabbed a light blue butterfly bracelet.

"I'm heading out for the day." You told yourself as you opened your window and off you went.

As you were making your way to the park you pulled out your phone and went to your anime openings and endings playlist and plugged in your earphones. It was a lively morning with a gentle breeze blowing once in awhile. You couldn't help but think what would happen to you if your parents or bodyguards found your room empty. Would your parents finally pay attention to you? Would they disown you? Would they take away every privilege that you gained? It didn't really matter aside from losing your freedom.

You looked straight down the sidewalk and saw you had to take a left down Whole Cake Island road, you passed by houses with children playing happily in their front yards. You slowed down your walking pace to observe the smiles plastered on their young faces. You saw a house or two with the children's mother coming outside informing them breakfast was ready and the children's smiles never left their faces and they happily obeyed their mother as they embraced her and disappeared onto their loving homes. You then looked away and turned your eyes down onto the pavement of the sidewalk.

Love Can Take A Turn For The Better~ Narancia x Reader ~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें