Field Hockey (A Andley Oneshot)

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The new tall handsome blond kid kicked the ball toward him. At least that kid could easily play sports well.
Ashley had found out earlier in school that the new kids name was Andy. Boy, did he have a very attractive face and a nice sense of fashion style.

Only one thing Andy was very good at sports and was already becoming popular. On his second day all the junior girls liked him. Weird because all the newbies and emo kids were outcasts, not Andy though.

Ashley wasn't the type around here to have friends or even try and have a girlfriend. Ashley was gay and the whole high school knew. Not a day went by that Ashley ever went home in tears.

The words,







Drowned out his emotions, making him lose control on anything and everything he could feel. Those words destroyed his insides and ripped them apart like saw dust.
Ashley didn't cope well with these results. These taunts made him go mad, little by little each day. He couldn't help but let those words swap in and devour him whole.


Ashley ran with the hockey stick trying his hardest to try and smack the little green ball towards the goalie. Of course his hair tie had to come out in that second, making him trip over the little mother fucking beast, as his long unseen gorgeous black hair fell in his face.

As you might of guessed Ashley wasn't the type of kid that liked sports. Ashley was more of a music kid. Or as the jocks called it 'emo fag'

He went smack down on the floor, hockey stick and all. Tears started to rise in his eyes as people laughed at him.

"Little faggot can't hit the ball!"

"Of course he can he's just too sore from last night!"

Ashley blinked by his tears harshly. He tried to battle the demons in his head as they screamed at him that his bullies were right.

"Ashley come on just try and hit it!" The coach ignored the words being said to the young teen.

Ashley stood up from his mini fall, not even bothering to pick up the hockey stick. He noticed the pretty blond kid Andy flash a sympathetic expression.

"I-I can't sir I'm sorry." Ashley tried to wipe away the droplets of tears on his cheek. "We all know Ashley can't play sports! He is too fat!" Some kid shouted.

That made Ashley cry harder.


They are all right.

He held his head down so the other teenagers couldn't see his tearing up face then. Being humiliated in front of Andy couldn't be worse.

"That's enough Cooper, Purdy if you don't shape up and put some effort in and quit your crying, then you will fail-"

Ashley ran out of the gym as fast as his skinny legs could go. He ran so fast throwing the double doors open. He kept crying as he ran down the hall to the boys locker rooms.

Ashley ran in and undid his combination and found his gym bag.

He cried as he opened the small bag and found his harmful friend sitting at the top.

You need to shape up.

The coaches voice echoed in his head. " Even the coach thinks I'm fat." He burst out.

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