Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria

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My name is Toy Foxy, and I am very excited to share my first few days at my new pizzeria with you!
I was switched on this morning after just sitting unused in a corner for FOREVER.
Then, the workers pulled me onto this large truck that I had to sit in for a while, but at last I arrived at my new location!
At first, I didn't get to move around to meet anyone, and I just had to sit for more hours in this scary room.
Eventually, I got so bored I decided to have a look around.
And I saw three horrifying things!
There was a bear, with tears in his body and a missing eye, and a chicken with no hands and a dismantled face, plus a rabbit missing an arm and his whole face!
Despite being scared of these animatronics, I must admit, I felt a little bit sorry for them.
Then, I heard the employees entering the room, and I rushed back to my spot.
They did a bit of chatting and then dragged in a new old robot.
After they left, I went to inspect this new robot.
He was a fox, with big tears on him and a large chunk of his face missing.
I felt bad for him too!
Eventually, the workers came back and brought me out!
I was placed on stage with three other animatronics.
They must have been replacements for the bear, rabbit, and the chicken.
But... then I must be the other fox's replacement!

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