Author Note

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Ah yes, it's the final day of National Novel Writing Month. This month I've been quite successful, writing a 30k story in my Call of the Hero series on day one, writing 50k for Living and the Dead, giving me a grand total of 80k words, something that I am quite proud of.

But I'm not done yet. 

To celebrate the final day, I figured what better way than to write another new story, a modern day fantasy since that seems to be my favorite. This is going to all be written in a day, so don't expect much in terms of spelling, or grammar, or, well if you know me long enough and you know the drill. If you want something edited, try another story.

But this one, I'm going to have fun. Time to throw all logic out the window, to just throw all these crazy ideas into this story, and see what happens. If you have an idea for what should happen, feel free to tell me and I'll do what I can.

I ask you once more, are you ready? Because I'm sure not. But that's what will make it fun.

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