Ch.2 Sights set on Revenge

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It was 2 months later. At Edens Gate inside the training area, Coral was wearing a black tank top, some shorts and a pair of black boots. He was doing extreme push ups, with sweat leaking down his neck dropping onto the dirt ground. His body looked a little ripped has he had some small bulging muscles on his arms and torso and his stomach seems to have built a four pack. "I'm glad you decided to join the us, and the soldiers Coral. You've been working yourself hard these past few months. To be honest I feel like you could take any soldier in this base. You made far more progress than all the other soldiers who've been training with us. You probably make more progress in a week than they do in a month." Joe chuckled.

Coral breathed as he stood up wiping the sweat off his head. "Well... if I wanna survive out there, and find the guy I'm searching in order to kill... I have to strengthen myself. Or else what can I do if I can't fight for myself?.." Coral said. "I wish you'd let it go Coral. John may be gone but his death is no one's fault. He sacrificed himself in order to keep us safe from them hunting us down. At first you were scared of going out into the world and facing those monsters out there but now it's not like you're even scared anymore. Like you completely changed" Joe said. Coral frowned. He put one hand on his shoulder and rolled his arm and shoulder. "I know he did it to protect us. But his death isn't something that should just be let go! John was my best friend and loke a brother to me. His family took me in when I first met John in 4th grade. If your best friend got killed by someone you'd probably be on the go to hunt the guy who killed him as well... and... I'm still scared... every time I see one of those things, I tremble in fear and I have to force myself as hard as I can to kill one of em... but living humans are different." Coral said.

"I know he was your best friend. He was a good friend to me too. He was loved by everyone around here. He was Martins right hand man. He helped and supported everyone around here." Joe said. "Yeah I know. I gotta get back to training. I'll talk with you later." Coral said. "But it's the end of the day. Get some rest Coral you've been working yourself hard. A bit too hard. You shouldn't push it." Joe said. "I gotta keep training as much as possible. I'll go rest sometime soon but I still have a couple hours of training to finish." Coral said. Joe sighed. "Just don't push yourself too hard." Joe said. He walked away, as well as other soldiers were leaving back to their bunkers.

Coral went back to working himself out. He was sprinting around the yard. He leaped, and did a few somersaults landing on his hands then pushes himself up into the air, doing a back flip and lands perfectly on his feet. "Coral Sanders!" A man's voice spoke. Coral turned back and saw Captain Martin the leader of Edens Gate. "Oh. Captain Martin.. what are you doing out this late? Aren't you usually sleeping at this time?" Coral asked. "I could ask you the same thing Coral. You seem to be taking your training more seriously than any other soldier around here." Captain Martin said. "As I've told you before Martin, I have to get strong. So I can take down the man who killed John." Coral said. "You're completely fine Coral. I support you." Martin said. "You do?" Coral asked raising an eyebrow. "Yes. In fact I have an offer for you. John was a supersoldier. You'll have to go through a special minor surgery. But it will give you grant you strength one has never been able to achieve. As I can see... you really proven yourselr as a working man here and that you're serious about becoming a soldier. As far as I see it. You're already Stronger than any soldier around here, and they've all been training for six months. So for this, I wanna grant you special permission to become... an Ark Human." Martin said. Coral blinked. "You're... being awfully cool about this Martin... thank you! I'll take your guyses special offer!" Coral said. Martin nodded and they both walked together.

As they walked pushing open a heavy metal door, inside it was a advanced techy science lab. "Jeezes! Where did you guys find all the stuff to even do all this?" Coral asked. Everywhere inside the lab was filled with advanced science projects and technology, test tube racks filled with who knows what in it, microscopes, etc. "Our scientists were originally workers from the government. We have about 5 of em and they all have an IQ of 280. Also it has been over 20 years since Armageddon hit, so with all this time passed, scientists to this day who work behind protected labs have created unbelievable things." Martin said. "Holy Cow! They're seem way smarter than I am as a technician!" Coral said. "You can definitely learn, you're one of the smartest guys here. You passed high school and college with straight A's didnt you? These scientist can teach you some awesome stuff." Martin said. "I did. This is awesome! I'm down to learn!" Coral said. They walked over to the scientists working in the lab.

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