8) things need to change..

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Harry smiled as they entered dracos apartment.

"Nice place" he said looking around.

"I try" draco said laughing a little. Harry looked back at the taller man and smiled. Draco soon took harry on a house tour, once harry knew his way around they sat on the couch with cups of tea and some cookies. They sat in a comfortable silence before harry spoke up.

"Draco we need to talk about well- what's been going on in between you and me-"

"I get it harry, you're a married man. I'm sorry I let things get as far as they have. I'll stop everything" draco said cutting harry off. Harry sighed and looked into his half empty cup.

"I'm sorry, this is my fault. I should have put a stop to all this when it first started. I should not have asked to cuddle you that night. I'm sorry draco, I never thought I would ever be that guy, the guy that kisses other men behind his wife's back. I mean yes, I havent had sex with you or anything!! I still feel like a complete idiot. I'm so sorry draco!" Harry ranted. He now had tears in his eyes but draco knew better then to touch him. Draco sighed and placed his cup down on the small table in front of them.

"No harry I'm sorry. I have had feelings for you for years and recently I have let them get out of hand. And this is all my fault, I was a baby about what happened at the bar! Harry I'm sorry that I have done all this. I under stand if you dont even wish to be my friend anymore, I have made a mess of all of this, I really can't say how sorry I am, but I dont regret it. I love kissing you harry" draco said. Harry was still looking down in to his cup.

"But I wont let it get the better of me, I understand u dont want to be kissed by me so I wont kiss you" draco continued. They sat in silence before draco stood up.

"I'm going to bed before we go and see Ginny tomorrow, good night harry" and with that draco left up the stairs. Harry watched him until he was gone from sight. Harry finally let go of what he was holding in, his tears came pouring down his face. He never wanted to stop all this with draco but it had to stop. He was married and this would only cause problems. But Draco- draco was someone harry could not lose. Deep down harry knew he loved draco, he always did and he always will.

Harry got up from the sofa and made his way into the guestroom, right across from dracos. Harry looked between the doors, maybe one more night cuddled close to draco wouldn't hurt-

Harry walked to dracos door and slowly opened it. Draco sat in bed reading a book he looked up at harry and gasped seeing the dried tears on his face.

"Harry, what's wrong?" Draco asked. But he didnt get an answer. Harry just come and sat in dracos lap and hugged him. Draco sighed and held the other boy.

"One more night, please?" Harry mumbled into dracos neck. Draco couldn't help but smile like crazy.

"Of course". Harry smiled and got under the covers with draco and pulled him close. Draco laughed and pulled harry so Harry's head was laying on his chest, dracos arm was around Harry's waist and his free hand was holding Harry's other, like the first time they cuddled.

Draco was the first to sleep, harry heard his breathing start to even out. Harry felt guilty. He wanted to be with Draco but it was wrong. Harry was not into men like that... or was he....

The next morning harry woke up to dracos arms around him holding him close, dracos lips were very close to Harry's, harry could feel dracos breath on his lips. Their legs were tangled together, one of dracos legs was around Harry's waist trapping harry.

Harry tried to make his way out of the other mans hold but draco woke up and pulled harry back.

"Draco!! We need to get up!!" Harry mumbled angrily

"Wait" draco mumbled back and pulled harry even closer. Harry gave in and wrapped his arms around draco and started to let him self fall asleep.

Harry and draco ran through the streets trying to catch up with their 14 year old daughter who had ran towards a muggle pet shop

"Oh please can we get a dog?!" She asked as she looked through the window. Draco and harry smiled at eachother and sighed.

"You better pick out a cute one!!" Draco smiled. Her face lit up and she ran into her dads arms "thank you!" She yelled before running into the shop, Harry and draco laughed. Draco took his husband's hand as they walked into the shop 

"We are gonna regret this aren't we" draco mumbled into Harry's ear

"No, I wont I love animals" harry laughed. Draco laughed with him and kissed his lips.

"Harry!!!" Draco yelled shaking him. Harry jumped and looked around. He was in dracos apartment. All that had been a stupid dream.

"We have 30 minutes until the time you wanted to surprise her! Get up" draco half yelled, laughing.

Harry sighed as he got up to have a quick shower. The dream was playing in his mind over and over again. He kept telling him self he was married and that he had Ginny but all that didn't seem to matter. Deep down harry knew that no matter what he told him self, even if draco left, harry would always want draco.

"Wow, you look like shit" draco said as harry sat down to eat breakfast.

"Yeah? No shit." Harry mumbled. As he took a mouthful of the toast draco had made.

"What's wrong? Why are you not exited to see her?" Draco asked, concerned.

"No I am... I just.... I dont know" harry grumbled. Draco didnt say anymore about the subject and moved the conversation to the news.

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