4) rumours

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The boys soon left the cafe, but harry made sure he said a special goodbye to the waitress that served them. They both laughed as they walked down the street.

"I hope you dont mind I said I was your boyfriend" harry said awkwardly "I could see you were uncomfortable"

"No, thank you. I didnt know what to say" draco said laughing awkwardly.

"What do you want to do? I dont want to go back yet" harry mumbled

"Hm.. we could buy loads of candy and then eat it all and have massive stomachaches tomorrow" draco said laughing. Harry soon seen a candy shop and ran towards it.

"Oh harry I was joking" draco called after him

"I'm not" harry called. Draco laughed and ran after him. By the time draco had reached harry, harry was in the shop laughing. Draco laughed at him, harry had started to grab candy and was filling his arms and pockets. Draco soon started to do the same.

Draco had paid for it and they were now sitting behind a tree eating the candy. Draco was sitting with his back against the tree has harry lay on his stomach in front of him.

Harry couldn't help but stare at draco. The moon light was hitting his face, making his eyes shine. Harry never had realized how much blue was in dracos eyes. Harry's eyes soon traveled to the boys lips, draco was eating some kind of strawberry muggle candy and it had stained his lips slightly red, harry wanted desperately to kiss those lips but he knew it was wrong.

"Is there something on my face?" Draco asked. "Oh- wh- no" harry laughed. Draco smiled.

"Harry, do you ever wish you could change the way you chose to live?"

This question startled harry. His mind went to when he married Ginny-

"Yeah, I guess" harry shrugged. "Why, something you want to do?"

"I wish I had asked my childhood crush out" draco said laughing awkwardly. "I dont know why I didnt, I guess I knew he wouldn't want me. I have never got him out of my head y'know, I would do anything to go back and ask him just to see what he would have said." Draco said sadly

Harry's heart dropped. Draco was still crazy over some guy that wasnt harry.

"Who is this man?" Harry asked trying to hide his hurt.

"Oh no, no, no, no. That's for me to know and you to hopefully never find out" draco laughed. Harry sighed

"Pleaseeeeeee Draco pleaseeee"

"Maybe one day, but not now" draco said smiling. Harry sighed dramatically

"What do you wish you could go back on?" Draco asked

"Its complicated" harry sighed. Draco just looked at him waiting for him to go on. "Ginny" was all harry said

"Ginny?" Draco asked completely confused

"As in you miss her? Or she bad at sex? Or-"

"Draco!!" Harry laughed. They both started laughing.

"I- I dont know. I think i- never mind" harry sighed

"Just talk about it to me when you're ready, okay?" Draco asked.  Harry nodded taking another candy

"We are gonna be in so much pain tomorrow" draco laughed taking another candy.

They soon had eaten most the candy and were walking back to the school. They both felt sick but were happy they had spent tonight together, although they would never admit it. They soon said good night to eachother and left for their rooms.

Harry lay down on his bed, sighing happily. He knew he shouldn't feel this way about draco but he couldn't help it. Ginny was starting to feel more and more like a sister the more harry thought about draco. Harry soon thought back to dracos lips. What would have happened if harry had kissed them? Would draco have been mad? And who the heck was dracos childhood crush!? Harry wanted to know so bad but he couldn't make the other boy tell him. Harry's mind soon wondered to draco and him kissing, dracos hand was tangled in Harry's hair, the both had no shirt on and were constantly pulling eachother closer. Harry feel asleep to these thoughts, oh how wonderful life would be if this was how it was.....

Harry woke up to someone shaking him. Harry jumped up to draco laughing.

"About time you woke up" dracos face soon dropped. "You missed two of your classes, I had no classes today so I filed in for you, I knew you would have a stomachache but ah... there have been things said about last night-"

At this harry jumped up, facing the other boy, completely forgetting he didnt have a shirt on.

"What?!" Harry yelled. Draco sighed taking a seat on Harry's bed. "Yknow that waiter that served us last night? Yeah well it was a sister to one of the boys in your first period class. Rumours are going around that we are a couple and that your cheating on Ginny"

Harry was outraged. "And you never thought to shut them up?!?!?!" Harry yelled. "He told half the school last night before we even got back and in the morning!! And I tried! Do you really think I want people to think I'm fucking you when you're married!!!???" Draco yelled back. Harry sighed

"Just get out Malfoy" dracos face dropped.

"Wh- what" draco mumbled

"I said get out Malfoy!!!" Harry yelled. The other boy flinched but walked out. Harry immediately regretted what he had just done and jumped out of bed

"Wait draco-" he called. Draco turned around, the draco that harry had gotten to know was now gone and the one he knew in school was back, with evil look in his eye.

"What do you want potter?!" He said, the softness in his voice gone, replaced with the coldness it had all those years ago. Harry gasped. "I- I'm sorry- I didnt mean to yell at you like that-" but the other man was already walking away.

Draco was angry. Why did harry yell at him like that?! Its not his fault the kids at this school are ignorant. He walked into Hermiones office. She looked up at him and smiled, her smile soon disappeared as she seen the look on his face. She ran up to him and hugged him. Draco started to cry into her shoulder and pulled her closer to him.

He told her everything, from what had happened last night to this morning, to when he woke harry up.

"I regret calling him potter" draco said, more tears falling from his eyes. Hermione was lost for words, she didnt know what to say.

"So what you told me the other day is true? You love harry?" She asked. Draco nodded.

"But hes married" he mumbled. "And he would never love me back"

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