Meeting the parents

589 18 2

Bey's pov

After the game

Bey-thx for tonight bae

Jay-u welcome ma

Bey-babe do u want to meet my parents

Jay-sure when

Bey-how bout tomorrow at 9:00am

Jay-sure babe

Jay drop bey off and walked her to the door he gave her kiss and hug and said goodnight

Bey's pov

Tomorrow at 8:30 the knowles residents

Bey-I invited my boyfriend ova

Mt-awe okay what time is he Comin 9:00 oh I need to start breakfast

MK-okay how old is this boy

Bey-he's 19 she said with an attitude


Bey ran and open the door and gave Jay a big hug and a wet kiss hey babe she said

Jay-hey love he said as he kissed her bck

Everyone was having a time and getting to know Jay

While her parents were downstairs
her and Jay were upstairs watching videos

Bey-do u love she said sitting on his stomach

Jay-I love to the moon and back and gave her peck which turned into making put and hands roaming next thing bey was moaning Jay's name because he was fingering her

Bey-mmm...Jay Jay

Jay-cum for pop pop

Bey came all over his hand and he licked up her juices they cuddle and with to sleep

Life of love (Jayonce fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें