~☆Chapter 18 (Internships PT 2)☆~

Start from the beginning

You were silent, the solemn words he had said echoing in your brain. Your eyes ended up drifting to the ground. A hand on your shoulder snapped you away from the echoing thoughts in your head. Your eyes were immediately met with the familiar pair of Heterochromic eyes that belonged to none other than Shouto.

"My train won't arrive for about another hour." He said. "Since I have a bit of time, would you like to accompany me to get some food?"

You almost snorted at the seemingly regal proposal. "Is Shouto Todoroki asking me out?" You couldn't help the laughter that erupted when the boy's own face ignited in red.

"O-Of course not. I just assumed you would be hungry." He scratched the back of his head, willing with incredible fury for the blush on his cheeks to disappear.

"I'm just teasing you, Shou. Yeah, let's go get something to eat." You smiled. "There's an amazing [Favorite Food] place just around the corner! Yuki and I used to go there all the time." Just the broad memory of the white-haired girl made your heart ache, and the fact wasn't easy to mask. Shouto picked up on the change in demeanor quite easily.

"I'm fine with anything." He stated stoically. "As long as you allow me to pay."

You shot him a side glare, though sighed. "Okay, sure..." Honestly, you were exhausted. Training had become much more stressful than you would have expected. Having to constantly watch your back on the very few occasions you were left unattended; Privacy outside was hard to come by, now.

As the two of you walked out of the train station, you couldn't help but feel a little grateful to the boy. After a few seconds of silence, You decided to speak. "Hey, Shouto?" He hummed, eyes flickering from the cloudless blue sky to meet yours. "Thanks." You shone a closed eye smile.

He merely nodded, eyes glancing away from you as the two of you crossed the street. You had finally reached the restaurant. Todoroki eyed everything with a curious look in his heterochromatic eyes as the two of you walked in.

The cashier looked up from her register, her vibrant purple eyes gleaming. "Y/N. It's been quite some time."

"Tsuki! Hey!" You ran up to the counter, leaning over the chunk of polished marble to hug the purple-haired girl. "How have you been? Does Meoma still work here? Are you both okay?" After the death of Yuki, you had refused to come back to the familiar restaurant. Everything still looked the same, filling you with the old, friendly feeling of nostalgia.

The walls were still the same; pale olive green. The exact same pictures of the family who owned the plot hung over the door, creating something similar to an arch around the door frame.

"Meoma was attacked on her way home a few weeks ago," Tsuki informed you. At the news, your heart dropped. "She won't be coming in for a few more weeks while she's resting."

Meoma was a pretty unintelligent girl; Her Quirk was goldfish, which explained her inability to comprehend most things. She had orange hair that was chopped at a slant, the longer parts reaching to about her waist. Her bangs had hung just above her eyes with large fins on the sides of her face that framed it perfectly. She was such a sweet person, So why was she attacked?

"Do we know why?" You asked, realizing Todoroki had taken interest in the conversation and was standing beside you, listening contently.

"No... The police nor the boss will tell us what happened." Her shoulder-length purple hair bobbed. "It's stupid! Boss knows we're literally the closest pair at this damn place."

You nodded. It was true; Even when you and Yuki had been regulars here, both of them were nearly inseperateable. They did most everything together and it wasn't uncommon to see them at an arcade or restaurant. 

"Anyway, the usual?" Tsuki asked, her cheerful mood returning ever so slightly. "[Favorite Food] still, right?"

You smiled and nodded, looking at Todoroki. "What do you want, Shouto?"

Tsuki eyed the Half N' Half male. "Oh. I know you. You're the guy who got his ass kicked in the Sports Festival, right?" She laughed, watching his eyes narrow.

"Tsuki! Shouto did amazingly." You punched her arm from over the counter, stopping her laughing for a split second.

"Cold Soba." Shouto slid a hundred dollar bill onto the counter. Tsuki stared at the money in awe for a second before she opened her mouth to inform him they didn't give change for such big bills. 

"Keep the change."


[A/N] Ran out of ideas for the end of the chapter, oof.
Okay, so Quiet Rebellion is going to go through some real changes because I'm unhappy with how it is right now. I'm working with the League to fix some of the tweaks before it's official (?)

Thanks for reading. Keep yourselves safe, wear a mask, and stay inside like the introverts you are.

With Love,

Word Count: 1454

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