Three Houses:

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Byleth awoke to a loud bang on her room her door, she gradually rose to open the door and to her surprise it was Seteth who had disturbed her peace so early in the morning. Before Byleth could say anything Seteth stated that the Archbishop requested her presence, Seteth scoped out Byleth with disdain in his eyes and sighed "That simply won't do, Here" he pushed a uniform into Byleths arms and said "If you are going to remain here as a student then you must look the part" having finished what he came to do Seteth bid Byleth goodbye and parted to accompany the archbishop who was waiting for Byleth.

Byleth closed the door after the green haired man left, and quickly hurried to change into the black uniform that was embroidered with silver on the sleeves, shoulders, and front. Before Byleth was about to leave she turned around and looked to the mirror that hung on the left side by the door. Byleth observed how much her appearance had changed since that last time she looked at herself, her blue messy hair nearly covered over her eyes. She sighed and put on a pink headband in a feeble attempt to push her hair back, it did nothing in terms of helping part her hair but Byleth kept it on because she found it to her liking. Once she finished with adding on her headband to her outfit Byleth turned and exited to find the archbishop

The task of navigating through the Monastery to Rhea was easier said than done, Byleth was ready to give up on finding Rhea when she recognized a figure from afar It was the brunet from the other day. 

Byleth approached him to ask for directions "Ah I was hoping to see you again" he said with a wink "Now I have a chance to introduce myself, I'm Claude Von Riegan, Perhaps we should become acquainted" he said with a smile. Byleth followed Claude's lead and introduced herself. "I heard that you're joining us here at the academy, have you picked out a class yet?" he inquired. Byleth shook her head "Perfect" he purred, "In that case might I say that you should join the Golden Deer. We're far less difficult than the other two classes" he said and then continued on Giving Byleth many, MANY reasons why she should join them. Byleth had to cut off his proposition telling Claude that she had to find the archbishop. Claude gave her vague directions to where Rhea might be and sent Byleth on her way.

Byleth took off more confused as to where Rhea was than before she had a hunch Claude wasn't so sure about what he had told her was sound. "Are you alright there miss?" Byleth turned around and came face to face with the blond tall man."Ah it's you! I had a feeling we'd see one another again" he said, "Correct me if i'm wrong but you're name is Byleth correct?" Byleth nodded " Good I heard Jeralt correctly then, oh I forgot we haven't been properly introduced yet I am Dimitri Alexander Blaiddyd'' Dimitri responded as he bowed "It's a pleasure making your acquaintance, but I must ask is it true that you joining the academy? perhaps you'd enjoy being in the Blue Lions class?" Before Byleth could respond another student with black hair tied up and squinted brown eyes approached. 

"Boar your presence is needed Sylvains got himself in another mess" and then he walked off. 

Dimitri paused for a second and turned to Byleth "I apologize but the matter must be urgent" he sighed "please forgive Felix's behavior he can be a bit difficult at times but deep down he's a good guy, well I'll be off now goodbye". Byleth watched as Dimitri took off after Felix before continuing on with her attempt to find Rhea.

After asking a few people that she passed Byleth found out where the archbishop was waiting as she made her way closer to Rhea Byleth saw the woman with white hair. Byleth approached the woman which shocked her a bit. "Oh I didn't think that we would see one another again" she said while inspecting Byleth "Oh? are you enrolling here as a student?" she said with shock "Honestly I'm a little surprised, nonetheless why don't you join the Black Eagle house?" she said "we are far superior to the other two houses" she gloated "I'm Edelgard Von Hresvelg by the way" introduced Edelgard. Edelgard continued on for a while telling Byleth of her class and how Byleth would be a great addition to their class, After a while Byleth stressed the urgency of her meeting with Rhea and said far-well to Edelgard.

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