That's how he found out that Princess Jasmine had to change faith in order to get married. She had become a Catholic just like her husband and so the children were raised. At the hands of the old Sheikh, Princess Jasmine had retained the right to pass on the Royal title to her firstborn. From Joao to Jared.

The bond between the families was, despite the great faith and cultural difference, very strong. Jared had spent his vacations and every summer in this extended family. Also on his mother's side in Argentina there was a large family. So it came that Jared was fluent in five languages; English, Spanish, Portuguese, French and Arabic.

All this information fell short of the following information that shocked him.
"Aroujo?" he had declared bewildered. "Aroujo is your family name? One of the best-selling coffee brands in the world is your family's?"
Jared had inherited the shares in his father's company and had fulfilled his obligations to the company since he was old enough. Tyler couldn't imagine how a man could accomplish all the tasks that were expected of him plus everything he imposed on himself. His admiration for Jared increased enormously.

They stayed for a total of two weeks. Jared's family had welcomed him with open arms and he had treated them with the same affection.
"As I expected, you won over the whole family," he said wryly in the taxi back to the airport.
Tyler took him in with brilliantly shining eyes. "How can you not love such warm-hearted people? Where are all the bastards in your family?" With a broad smile, Tyler challenged him. "Or are you the only one?"
A dark eyebrow was raised arrogantly and biting on his lower lip Tyler was preparing for the verbal struggle he seemed to enjoy more and more.

Jared's phone rang and interrupted the playful tension. Tyler sighed and looked out the window. In fast spoken French, Jared had a conversation.
"The plans have changed, Tyler. You're flying home alone. I'm going to Paris."
"Is everything okay?" he asked worriedly.
"It's not your concern," Jared said briefly.
"You don't want to tell you because I'll want to come?" Tyler guessed. He really hoped that there was nothing wrong with Princess Jasmine.

Jared's jaws clamped tightly together. "It's about Eric. He's in the hospital."
"And the reason you're going is?" asked Tyler calmly.
Jared sighed. "Eric is the youngest son of my mother's sister. He's my cousin. For all his mistakes, he remains family."
"I'm coming," Tyler said determinedly.
"Yes, I am. You're the one who wants me to be more mature and responsible," Tyler stressed. "Then I'll have to face up to the fact that Eric's negligence was only a small part of it...." He swallowed laboriously and took a deep breath. "Of that night. And that I'm now learning to stand up for myself better." He enjoyed Jared's approving look.
"I'll take care of the baggage's, you call home."

Paris in winter was cold and grey Tyler noticed when they arrived. Very different from the glorious temperatures in Brazil. His clothes were therefore not sufficient. Princess Jasmine who insisted they stay in the house had a new wardrobe delivered for him. At tea time, he thanked her warmly.

"You look good. Are your therapy sessions still going well?"
"I stopped doing that. My personal trainer now keeps me fit."
Tyler nodded approvingly. "I can see where the members of your family have received their good work ethic from."
She looked at him thoughtfully. "You've grown up since you were here the last time."
"Thank you, I'm doing my best for that."

Her hand slid to his neck and pulled out the medallion. "So you wear it in secret? Jared doesn't know anything about this?"
Tyler grabbed her hand and pressed him against his chest. "You honor me with this gift. I can't think of a better way to thank you than to become a man who deserves this medallion."
Her hand grabbed the medallion and put it under his shirt. "You have a kind heart, Tyler. The rest comes with time." After a brief hesitation, she added: "Your discretion graces you, Tyler. I hope I can call on that more often?" Smiling gently at his quiet confusion, she patted him on his hand. "Nothing to worry about, Tyler. Do you want some more tea?"

The Sheikh's Rebel (gay) ☑️Where stories live. Discover now