hueningkai: "You seriously like Taehyun?"

y/n: "No."

hueningkai: "Come on. Seriously. You really get all tongue tied around him for no reason?"

y/n: "...I don't know. I mean, he's just... he's so... intimidating."

hueningkai: "How? He seems chill."

y/n: "He is. And really smart and talented and I don't know how to talk to him without my mouth going haywire on me."

hueningkai: "You know, I'm no ultimate love guru but that usually means you like them. At least a little."

y/n: "It's because of the talent show last year. He performed and [cousin] and I went to see it and... he just takes to the stage so well. It's really something worth watching."

hueningkai: "Leader of the Taehyun fanclub alert..."

y/n: (laughs) "No, but really. He's great at performing. I bet he could become famous or something one day if he really wanted to."

hueningkai: "Okay, but he's not famous. He's normal, just like you."

y/n: "Gee, thanks."

hueningkai: "What I mean is: don't put him too high up on a pedestal. He's still a person. He's your classmate. He's in the same grade as us, right?"

y/n: (nods)

hueningkai: "And he talks to you normally so just talk to him normally back. Simple."

y/n: "Easy for you to say. You're not the one with a crush on him."

hueningkai: "So you admit you have a crush on him?"

y/n: "Fu-- you just... god, Hueningkai. Yeah. Fine." 

[Y/N parks in car wash line]

hueningkai: "Is this gonna take long?"

y/n: "No, the line usually moves pretty quickly. Look, we're almost up next."

hueningkai: "Okay. Hey, don't divert from the conversation!"

y/n: "I wasn't! What is there to talk about, anyway? It's not like he likes me. He'd never."

hueningkai: "That's quitter talk."

y/n: "Oh jesus, you sound like a commercial using that phrase."

hueningkai: "All I'm saying is that you should at least try to befriend him. Like, actually become friends and form full, coherent sentences around him."

y/n: "Hold that thought."

hueningkai: "What are you doing?"

y/n: "I need to unbuckle my seat belt. I can never reach the damn screen to select payment options from inside the car."

hueningkai: "I'll do it next time, then."

y/n: "Wow, didn't know you had a license."

hueningkai: "I don't."

y/n: "My point exactly. It's okay, I've got it."

[Y/N enters car wash]

hueningkai: "You have what it takes to talk to him."

y/n: "I definitely don't. I can barely look him in the eye."

hueningkai: "Let's practice."

y/n: "How?"

hueningkai: "Let's just... talk. Like, what compliment would you tell him to his face, if you had the guts?"

y/n: "I--"

[CAR WASH begins]

hueningkai: "You better speak up! Just think: this is perfect practice!" 

y/n: "I really like your singing voice."

hueningkai: "What?"

y/n: "I really like--"

hueningkai: "I can't hear you over the car wash, speak louder!"

y/n: "I really like your singing voice!"

hueningkai: "You sound like you're underwater!"

y/n: "Technically, we are!"

hueningkai: "Talk louder! Pretend I'm Taehyun, come on!"

y/n: "I said, I really--"

hueningkai: "Is that really the loudest you can talk?"

y/n: "I LIKE YOU!"

[CAR WASH pauses]

hueningkai: ""

y/n: "Was that loud enough?"

hueningkai: "Yeah, and your face turned a little red, too. Here."

[HUENINGKAI hands Y/N water]

y/n: "Thanks. Now my throat hurts."

hueningkai: "Sorry. I didn't think you were gonna scream and I didn't think you were gonna scream that." 

y/n: "Neither did I. It kind of just came out."

hueningkai: "It's okay. It's not like anyone can hear you in here, or see you."

y/n: "Yeah... huh. No one can see me or hear me in here." 

hueningkai: "Yep."

[CAR WASH resumes]


hueningkai: "Wow, you are really going for it."


hueningkai: "Drink more water before your neck vein pops!"

[CAR WASH ends]

y/n: "Woah."

hueningkai: "The power of car washes. We should do this."

y/n: "Get more car washes?"

hueningkai: "No. I mean, sure, but what I meant was we should practice how you would talk to Taehyun."

y/n: "Why?"

hueningkai: "You like him. Don't you want him to like you back?"

y/n: "I mean... yeah. But--"

hueningkai: "Nope, no more buts. From this moment on, 'but' is no longer in your vocabulary."

y/n: "But--"

[HUENINGKAI flicks Y/N's forehead]

y/n: "Ow!"

[Y/N flicks HUENINGKAI's forehead]

hueningkai: "Eh. That was weak."

y/n: "Oh, I can go again if you want me to--"

hueningkai: "No, no, no, I believe you. But hear me out: let's practice. What have you got to lose?"

y/n: "My dignity."

hueningkai: "It's okay, if you lose your dignity I'll share some of mine with you."

y/n: "I didn't know dignity was shareable."

hueningkai: "Mine is." 

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