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cousin: "Hey Hueningkai, what are you... woah."

hueningkai: "What?" 

cousin: "Um... I was just coming to let you know that dinner's almost ready... what the hell are you doing?"

hueningkai: "Nothing."

cousin: "Your room looks like a tornado. There are clothes everywhere. Are you, like, going somewhere?"

hueningkai: (sighs) "Can you shut the door for a minute?"

cousin: (whispers) "My dad might see."

hueningkai: "Just for a minute. Please?"

cousin: "Okay, okay."

[COUSIN shuts door]

cousin: "What's up?"

hueningkai: "I'm leaving in a month to go to my actual host family and I have two weeks to make a final decision but you guys have been nothing but nice to me and even your dad is starting to warm up to me and school actually hasn't been too shitty and I don't know what I should do."

cousin: "I'm sorry, can you say that again but ten times slower?"

hueningkai: "The host program contacted me and your dad. They said they've fixed the problem and I can go to my actual host family now."

cousin: "Damn... in a month?"

hueningkai: "Right. But 2 weeks to make the final decision." 

cousin: "I don't know what to say... it won't feel the same without you, but the choice is up to you. I won't be pissed or anything. We'll keep in touch, right?"

hueningkai: "Of course."

cousin: "Does [y/n] know?"

hueningkai: "No. Can you not tell her?"

cousin: "Why?"

hueningkai: "Just don't tell her yet. Please?"

cousin: "Okay, I won't. I still don't get why you're already emptying your closet. You have two weeks and you don't exactly strike me as an early packer."

hueningkai: "I'm not. I'm just trying to figure out what to wear this weekend. We're going to that maze park thing, right?"

cousin: "Right.... and why do you care what you need to wear? It's not like you're the one that's going on the date."

hueningkai: "I know. I just wanted to look nice, that's all."

cousin: "Nice for you or nice for someone else?" (gasps) "Hueningkai. Don't tell me you're falling for me."

hueningkai: "What? No."

cousin: "I was kidding, but thank you for your swift rejection." 

hueningkai: (laughs) "Sorry. Good to be brutally honest, right?"

cousin: "Right. But don't worry, you're not my type."

hueningkai: "Even better."

cousin: "Don't worry about what to wear this weekend, okay?"

hueningkai: "...what do you think Taehyun will wear?"

cousin: "Clothes. What does it matter?"

hueningkai: "Never mind. I'll be right out for dinner."

cousin: "O-kaaay."

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