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sister: "We're almost out!"

yeonjun: "Teamwork, baby."

sister: "I bet [y/n] isn't even out yet. She was always so stupid at these things."

cousin: "Hey, don't say that shit. What's wrong with you?"

sister: "Whatever..."

cousin: "No, not whatever. It's disrespectful. If you have nothing nice to say, then you should just shut up."

yeonjun: (whistles) "Damn."

sister: "Whatever."

cousin: "You already said that."

yeonjun: "Okay guys, I think it's one more left and..."

sister: "We're out!" 

cousin: (snorts) "And look who else is."

hueningkai: "You guys finally made it!" 

sister: "H-how long have you been waiting here?"

taehyun: "Five minutes."

sister: "Where's [y/n] and Soobin?"

hueningkai: "They went to the bathroom."

sister: "Hmph."

cousin: "Told you she's fast, sweetie. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to check out the flower cart."

[COUSIN leaves]

sister: "Yeonjun, I want icecream."

yeonjun: "Me, too. Maybe vanilla, or chocolate, or maybe strawberry with nuts and some--"

sister: "Now."

yeonjun: "Okay, yeah, that's what I was about to say."

[YEONJUN and SISTER leave]

taehyun: (clears throat) "Hueningkai."

hueningkai: "What?"

taehyun: "Sorry about earlier. Didn't mean to snap at you."

hueningkai: "...it's all good."

taehyun: "I'm just kind of stressed. You're good at keeping secrets, right?"

hueningkai: "Sure."

taehyun: "I like [cousin]."

hueningkai: "Really? I never would have thought."

taehyun: "Has she ever said anything about me?"

hueningkai: "Eh."

taehyun: (groans) "Can you give me a hand? I'm at a loss here."

hueningkai: "Just wait it out. That's the best advice."

taehyun: "What about you?"

hueningkai: "What about me?"

taehyun: "You and [y/n]."

hueningkai: "Oh. No, we're just friends. Besides, she likes someone else."

taehyun: "Obviously Soobin."

hueningkai: "Soob.... I mean, yes. Right."

taehyun: "That's okay, I'm pretty sure Soobin's not interested. You should go for it. Aren't you living under the same roof?"

hueningkai: "Yeah."

taehyun: "What are you waiting for?"

hueningkai: For her to get over you. 

( ideal ) ; hueningkaiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon