iii. 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐏

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𝘴𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘮𝘦, 𝘴𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘮𝘦, 𝘴𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘮𝘦
𝘪'𝘮 𝘯𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘪'𝘮 𝘧𝘢𝘳 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘦
- 🛁🍢🪐

FROM staring at maps of Central City with food stuffed in her mouth for far too long, Caoimhe knew that Star Labs wasn't too far from their home. Google Maps had done a good job with marking Star Labs. It would be one of the few places marked on maps. She had fuzzy memories of car rides with her mother when she was seven. In those obscure memories, she'd sit in her booster seat, her eyes peering out the window. As she and her mother went grocery shopping, they always would pass by Star Labs. The building was very recognizable with two tower-like structures at the top of the building itself.

Thinking about her deceased mother made her emotional. She had loved her mother; she was selfless, kind, sweet, and overall loving. No flaw was visible in her perfectly smooth skin. Even as a child, though, Caoimhe could still see the pain in her lovely eyes.

As she tried to remember how far away Star Labs was from her home, painful memories were unlocked. After years in solitude, she was able to push them away and lock them in a mental safe.

Finding her mother passed out on the floor was one she thought she had forgotten. But no, it was very vivid in her mind. Her mother was laying on the kitchen floor, the green stuff surrounding her body, in her raven black hair, in her hands, and on the table. Little white pills were scattered on the floor, and near them, an orange tinted bottle, where it came from. Her mother's eyes were shut and her left hand was over her stomach. Now, as an adult, she knew that she had overused drugs from the basement.

Caoimhe pushed away the thoughts of her mother the best she could. She really tried to focus; she could remember the main conversation she and her mother would have every car ride- "Are we there yet?"

Caoimhe asked that question to her mother everytime they'd pull out of their long, winding driveway. Usually, her mother would reply, "Twenty minutes." Then, as they waited at the traffic light by Star Labs, she would say, "five minutes."

This meant that they were fifteen minutes away from Star Labs. Caoimhe was terrified; what if the explosion affected her, her father, and Janet? Her father may not have been the nicest, but he let her stay under his roof, despite the fact that she was an adult. And Janet? Janet was like a mother to her, taking care of her when she was sick and handing her nice, warm meals.

It all happened so fast. The explosion trembled the house, the dusty dolls on her shelves tumbling onto the soft carpet, her clock shaking excessively, and her TV dangerously rocking back and forth. Her small collection of pictures in black frames fell over completely, landing face down on her mahogany nightstand. Caoimhe watched in terror as the items around her crashed to the ground, her hopelessly strapped onto the bed. The speaker directly above her head was teetering back and forth, as if it was going to fall. If it were to fall, her face would be crushed by it.

"HELP!" Caoimhe shouted, hoping that someone could help her get out. At this point, anyone- even her terrifying father -was better than nothing. "HELP! PLEASE!" Delicate tears began to form, dripping off her cheeks and onto the cotton sheets. "DAD! JANET! ANYONE!"

She tried to slip her arms out of the leather straps, that way she could at least get up, but she was too weak. The buckle rattled violently and loudly. The tears travelled their way to the sheets, wetting the cotton. Caoimhe screamed over and over, both in fear and so that someone could hear her. Soon, her ears picked up the sound of footsteps. They went at a moderate pace, not a quick one. Whoever was coming obviously didn't care- or they didn't know that she was about to be crushed by an extremely heavy speaker, one that even her father could not hold.

By the time she heard the locks being opened, the black plug keeping the speaker hooked into the wall snapped and broke off from the mount. Her eyes shut in fear, knowing that it was going to fall directly onto her face. Her arms were constricted by the leather straps, so she was unable to cover her face with her hands. The last thing Caoimhe heard before feeling the heavy speaker against her face was the door fling open.

 The last thing Caoimhe heard before feeling the heavy speaker against her face was the door fling open

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word count: 760
march 14, 2020

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