Chapter 23

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Here it is: the last chapter.


Sirius walked into the Great Hall for the last time with his head held high. He was Sirius Black, lost and hurt or not, and he was going to damn sure make his last appearance at Hogwarts memorable. Pouting and sulking quietly would not give younger birds something to sigh wantonly over for the next few years of their schooling careers. To hell with his sad feelings, at least for the next hour or so; he was going to be the Sirius Black that turned the lustful heads of both girls and boys whenever he walked by. He had a reputation to uphold.

Sirius observed the room and those eating in it; well, mostly they were eating. Others seemed to be trying to choke themselves over their last bit of food from Hogwarts. At least most of them would get to eat more of the house elves' cooking when they returned in a few months; Peter seemed to be having a rather touching goodbye with the strips of bacon wrapped between his fingers. On second thought, perhaps it was not touching at all but more than slightly disturbing.

He continued to swagger regally toward the Gryffindor table when he heard his name called in an even, drawling tone.


Sirius turned slowly and tried to bite down his annoyance. "I suppose you'd be talking to me, then, Snivellus?"

Severus sneered at him. "I would have to be talking to you, wouldn't I? Seeing as your brother's dead."

Sirius hid the swelling rage rising in his chest. He kept his face calm and arrogant, looking every bit like the old Sirius Black; those who truly knew him, though, could see that the old Sirius Black would have snapped at such a comment, while this new man knew how to bite his tongue.

Remus had been watching from a few feet away at the table. He wished that the old Sirius would reappear for just a moment and beat the smug smirk right off of Severus's face for that foul comment. At the same time, Remus was immensely proud of the man he loved for having grown up so much this year.

"Can I help you with something, Mr. Snape, perhaps some shampoo or maybe a breath mint?" he sneered. "Or did you just call me over here to be rude?"

Severus's stare became cold and calculating. "Actually, I just wondered if perhaps you intended to fill your brother's post...within the Death Eaters."

Sirius snapped. "You fuck-brained arse! That's a lie! You wanted me to feel that the Death Eaters won, that you beat me for once. You can't beat me any other way; might as well rub it in that Regulus died and there was no way for me to save him. But you're wrong; my brother died because he fought to defy your dark lord. He died, but his trouble wasn't wasted; he was a sacrifice, a martyr for the greater good. And you and your little Voldemort groupies here will be defeated. I promise you that."

Severus glared at him. "Who will back you? Huh? Who will join your losing army?! You are alone, Black! Face it! The Death Eaters are far more powerful than your precious Order will ever be! So, who will back you?" he sneered, his crooked teeth glinting in the artificial sunlight from the Great Hall ceiling.

"I will!" yelled a voice. He looked over and Lily Evans was by his side, holding his hand in camaraderie and defiance to Severus's outburst. Severus's face soured.

"So will I," said James as he took Lily's other hand.

"I will back him," Remus said with a calm fury as he grasped Sirius's other hand.

"And we will," Marlene took Remus's hand, towing a defiant and angry Mary next to her.

"So will we." Alice and Frank came to Mary's side.

Sirius grinned, his heart touched by the friends that stuck with him. "You see, Snivellus? It seems we have traded places. I am not alone at all; you, on the other hand, seem to be by yourself. That doesn't give much encouragement for the outcome of the other side, now does it?"

Sirius took one last look at the angry face of Severus Snape as it left the Great Hall and did not see it again for nearly fifteen years.

Mysteriously, Peter had seemed to disappear shortly after Severus had first called Sirius to attention.


A while later, Sirius walked up to the dormitory and found Remus solemnly packing his things away inside his trunk.

"There you are, Moony. I've been looking for you. I thought maybe we could pack together."

"Oh yeah, sure. I'm not quite close to being done yet."

They packed in silence for a moment and then Remus let out a loud sigh. Sirius turned to look at him.

"Sirius, do you remember our very first night here?"

Sirius grinned. "Yeah, I do seem to remember a flailing body falling on top of me in the middle of my dreams." Remus laughed. "Something about Peter's snores being a man-eating monster, right?"

"Yeah, and you promised you'd always be there to protect me."

"And did I keep my promise?"

"Yes; I think for the most part you did."

"Remus, I want you to live with me in my flat," Sirius said suddenly.

"Sirius, I'm glad you finally said that because I intended to come and live there whether you wanted me to or not," Remus replied seriously.

Sirius grinned. "And that's why I love you."

"Damn straight."

"Definitely not straight, Rem, if you catch my drift." Sirius winked.

Remus laughed. "No, you're right. Definitely not straight."

Sirius placed the last item in his trunk and closed it with a firm snap. "I can't believe it; we're all grown up. For so many years this place has been home to me. We've been through everything here. I just...I can't believe it's over. The pranks, the adventures, the fun; hell, the Marauders were born and made in this very room. I—I It's a lot to take in."

"I suppose it's time to move on to new adventures. That thought doesn't really make me feel any less sad, though. I still want to sob and scream and refuse to be taken away from here; but I guess that doesn't make me very manly."

Sirius embraced him tightly. "Fuck being manly; you cry and scream all you want, love."

"Thanks, Padfoot." For a moment they stood like that, relishing each other's warmth. "So...are you ready to grow up and move off into the real world?" Remus asked sadly.

Sirius thought for a moment. "Let's be boys today; the real world can find us tomorrow."


The end. My gosh...I am so sad right now. I kind of feel like Sirius; I can't believe it's over. I put a little of my own emotions about graduating and moving on with life in Sirius's little speech there at the end. I have decided to do something like an epilogue for closure (mainly my own closure, not really any of yours). It's not really an epilogue, but more of a know, I'm not really sure how to describe it. I guess you'll see when you read it.

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