One Night.

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© Amber Kalkes 2014

~One Night~

He was a weapon, a creature of harm.

He came to me searching and set off no alarm.

He whispered sweet nothings but I knew they were lies.

I offered him nothing but my body to have until the sun would rise.

He held me close and for once I felt warmth in my heart.

It was only a matter of time till he would tear us apart.

He crawled under my skin and took root in my soul.

And when he left at first light I knew there would forever be a hole.

He told me he wanted us to never forget,

But I knew the moment he left it would be as though we never met.

He kissed me one last time and told me one last lie,

But as he shut the door behind him he cut off out last tie.

He was a weapon, a creature of harm.

But I was the one who knew how to disarm.

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