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© Amber Kalkes 2014


My nightmares stalk me even in the light of day,

My fears forever etched on my soul seem to always find a way.

The darkness of my mind plays tricks on me,

I am never left to the false safety of any far away seas.

Haunted by the past,

A symphony in my ears of visions of everyday until my last.

I am a sacrific given to my insatiable insanity,

A victim of the boogy man of a perhaps a lower divinity,

I linger in the insecurity meant to keep me under its control,

Left with only a dark twisted and hallow soul.

Happiness is but a distant memory but one I cherish all the same,

Until it is in my reach I have trickster shadows and dark tendencies to tame.

Dark Waves On Bright DaysWhere stories live. Discover now