Bright Light

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© Amber Kalkes 2015

~Bright Light~

She looked like heaven but she tasted like hell,

That was one of the things he liked most about her.

She was something priceless yet she herself put her soul up to sell.

Her eyes were like hooks that could catch and lure,

She always spoke in riddles and ryhme,

She said it made her feel like an artist.

He never thought his effection would dwindle, no matter the  space or time. 

She always said her life was to become a beautiful carcass,

She often read books but didn't know what they meant or lesson behind the words.

He liked how she danced like she couldn't see anyone else in the room,

She said she would only dance if the music was on records

There was something about her that spoke of eminent doom,

Something he could name or really quite place.

Maybe it was just her nature, the way she chose to live her life.

Maybe it was hidden under that veil of that strange beauty and easy grace.

He couldn't seem to unravel her or the reason for her strife,

She wouldn't tell him he was right even if he did.

When she kissed him it felt like he was drowning in the sensation.

Breathing felt useless and reason was always something he wanted to rid. 

Everything with her felt like the best of sedation.

He loved her, there was no other way around it.

He didn't tell her though, didn't dare break the spell that made her stay.

So kept it to himself but told himself he'd never quit.

He would be hers for now, the future and yesterday.

His silly walking work of art,

The only girl who made him crazy, murderous and never more happy,

She promised they'd never part,

Then laughed and said that was sappy.

He laughed and kissed her and told her she was right.

But that was how he liked her to be.

He knew it the moment she was in his sight,

That she would be his bright leading light when he was lost at sea.

Dark Waves On Bright DaysOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora