get to know laurie!

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heyo! just dropping some stuff so people can get to know my dumb ass ( bless you guys, god knows why you try <3 )


OO1. i go by laurence, but most people call me laurie (like the guy from Little Women!)

OO2. i'm fifteen years young and my bday's in December. the astrologers among you angels can go tell me things about that~

OO3. i'm a boy (ew, very gross i know), so he/ him for me. sometimes gender be like ????? for me but we're just going with the flow for now.

OO4. I LOVE PLANTS. i have two succulents and i lub them so much!! they're called suzie and sozo <3

OO5. I have blue eyes and hair bordering on black, I think the black hair comes from my mums side but ,,,, idk!

OO6. i live in poor england™️ and i've never been anywhere else. I think if I had the money I'd love to go travelling and see all the sights and explore different cultures because,,, England,,, doesn't have a culture,,, (rain? roadmen? fish and chips?)

OO7. i'm a pretty solid mix between v grunge and v soft. i'm very soft hearted and inclined to be sweet so yeah, big nervous teddy bear? that's me.

OO8. hufflepuff gryffindor mix? chaotic neutral. infp-t. ;3c

OO9. my future aspirations are to either defy the system and do something worthwhile, die young or become a sugar baby.

O1O. i'm v fond of animals. i really wish i could have a cat because they're cute and fluffy and a mood and i more cute fluffy things in my life uwu <3

O11. I'm in a lot of fandoms (too many to list) so tell me something you enjoy and we can uwu and scream over it.

O12. shy + introverted + awkward + in need of friends = me

O13. i actually really love running! i often go running around where i live to get out the house uwu. like some sports are gross but running? m w a h

O14. i'm sending you a hug rn<3

O15. my favourite colours are pink, blue and black. that being said I don't think I dislike any colours ngl.

O16. recently i've been getting into graphics! ( go check out my portfolio or i'll eat your bed :O ) whilst i'm not the best i do hope improving. if anyone has a shop or portfolio lmk! promotion is welcome here luvlies

O17. my family consists of my brother and my dad!

O18. i blush very easily,,, i'm super fricking pale so it shows,,,

O19. i drink tea. a l o t of tea. like 10x the average brit.

O2O. i lub reading so if any of y'all have any books cOME PROMOTE HERE UWU.

O21. i'm always on the lookout for new music so feel free to give me some recs.

O22. I'm ambidextrous aka i can write with both hands. i started as a kid because i felt like it was cool and can still do it.

O23. i've broken at least two noses in my life. and uh yeah, there's a pretty stir crazy story behind both of them oops,,

O24. I'm constantly starving because I love food and need more of if. what foods do you people like :0

O25. I enjoy talking about complicated subject matters, a bit of an English, PR and history lover but shhh. nothings ever too deep or serious for me.

O26. I'm always on a wobbly journey of self appreciation which I'm s t r u g g l i n g with but I try my best~ this is your reminder to take care of yourself and appreciate yourself or laurie will come and hit you over the head with a broomstick 🖤 !


OO1. pink or blue?
──── i- shit-
──── pink uwu.

OO2. burgers or hotdogs?
──── hot dogs!
──── but only if they're really big ;3c

OO3. sports anime or horror anime?
──── vv tough but i'm going to go with sports although I do adore horror a l o t
──── h a i k y u u
──── uwu give me some anime recs~

OO4. if you were an alien which planet would you live on?
──── well according to leo Venus.
──── I'd want to live on some random undiscovered planet in the galaxy andromeda because I feel like that would be funky.

OO5. do you like kids and would you want to be a parent?
──── i think kids are really swell. sometimes they lowkey intimidate me (they're tiny, I k n o w, but they're sweet pure children and I don't want to accidentally taint them or smth ok-) but I just really think they're cute and stuff even if I think of them as demon spawn.
──── i dont know really. things do change but I'd be inclined to say no. people with bad parents have a tendency to be terrible themselves and I can't see myself being responsible or stable enough to raise a child the way they deserve to be raised.
──── i do believe there's a lot of people in the works who just shouldn't be parents. some parents don't love their kids and some some parents love their kids but still raise them badly. raising a whole independent human being is a really big commitment, kids are heavily influenced by their parents and all parents will inevitably hurt their kids and I'm scared I'll hurt a kid too much. society has always pushed this idea of having children as a must and that you'll be sad and lonely and unsatisfied if you don't but honestly? you do you.
— in conclusion: I love kids but I'd rather not be a parent rn<333

OO6. freebie.
— ask me some questions! it can be anything ranging from lighthearted to more genuine uwu💛

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