Chapter 14

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Adam's P.O.V


I woke up to the sound of someone padding quietly down the stairs. Levi? No it didn't sound like him; too quiet. I realized I wasn't at home when I opened my eyes. I sat up and peered around the corner.

"Hey did I wake you?" Brooklyn asked as she made her way past me and to the kitchen.

"Yea, what time is it?" I rubbed my eyes and ran my hand through my shaggy hair.

"7:30." That definitely wasn't like her; she wasn't a morning person to say the least. She flicked the kettle on and I stood up, propping myself against the wall while I arranged my wheelchair to sit in. Wheeling myself to the bathroom I noticed Brooklyn in pink polka dot pyjama pants with a plain white, tight tank top. Borrowing them? I guessed. She usually wore my old t-shirt and her sweatpants to bed but she must not have packed them. After brushing my teeth I made my way back to the kitchen where Brooklyn stood at the counter making tea; that was new. I wheeled my way over, pulling her into my lap and leaning in for a kiss before she could say anything. It didn't feel right, her lips were like stones against mine and as she froze, I pulled away.

"What the heck?!" A blonde haired, blue eyed girl asked from behind me, then it hit me. My hand was around her waist gripping at the thin figure where there was normally more pudge. The tight tank top showing more of a figure than Brooklyn ever did, and the dimple that made my heart beat ten times too fast, wasn't where it should be. Jessica stood up off my lap and uncomfortably turned back to her tea as I wheeled myself around and looked at Brooklyn contritely. There was my messy haired, sleepy eyed girl in my shirt that was more like a dress on her.

"I'm so sorry Bryn."

"How can you of all people not tell us apart?" Her cold accusations shot like an arrow through my heart.

"I can now. It was an accident, please forgive me?"

She said nothing and turned away as her cheeks went pink from anger and the tears welled up in her eyes. I tried to wheel myself closer but she ran up the stairs and, I, defeated went back to my fold out bed in the living room.

"So I'm guessing you and Brooklyn are . . . a thing?" Jessica asked as she walked into the living room and sat on the opposite corner of the bed to me, carefully sipping her steaming tea.

"I don't know. I know I love her but I don't know how she feels about me."

"Considering the way she acted when she saw you kiss me, I'm guessing she feels the same about you."

"Too bad I screwed this up. Any suggestions on what to do?"

"I'll talk to her."

"Sorry for that by the way."

Third Person P.O.V:

She felt the deep rage burning through her as Adams lips connected with Jessica's. "What the heck?!" He turned around, eyes going wide. Jessica pulled away from his grasp, acting busy making tea. The usually calming white kitchen was harsh against Brooklyn's eyes.

"I'm so sorry Bryn." Adam acted guilty, puppy dog eyes and all.

"How can you of all people not tell us apart?" Her voice shook and he visibly flinched at her words.

"I can now. It was an accident, please forgive me?" Brooklyn turned around, face flushing as her vision blurred and she rushed up the stairs.

She walked silently past David and Elaine's room where the light was still off and one of them was snoring softly. Soon after she shut her bedroom door there was a soft knock and the doorknob jiggled. "What?" Brooklyn mumbled pulling her face away from the pillow and going to the door.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 26, 2015 ⏰

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