Chapter 12

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Her whole world slowed down as she reached his body and saw the bloody mangled mess it was.

"Adam." She meant to call his name but it came out more like a moan.

There's no way- stop. He has to be alive. I need him. Brooklyn told herself.

He was laying on his back with one arm sprawled out on his stomach, the other half underneath him, clearly broken considering part of the bone was protruding out of his forearm. He had one leg twisted under him. The other leg looked okay but there was a big gash on the front of it, staining the grass underneath red. He had a scratch on the side of his face that wasn't bad but it was bleeding a lot. Brooklyn couldn't hear anything but the sound of her heart beating erratically. It was like it was caught in her throat and she couldn't breathe.

Please. Anyone but Adam.

Call it what you will, God, fate, a miracle or just luck but Brooklyn watched as Adams chest rose slowly. She watched it as he took a couple slow, deep breaths and felt her world rush back to her. The slow motion stopped and was replaced with fast forward.

"Adam stay with me, please."

Think. Think. I need to stop the bleeding.

Brooklyn tore her suitcase off her back and pulled a shirt out. She gently lifted his leg and slid the suitcase underneath. She tied the shirt tight around the wound on his leg to stop the bleeding.

She moved up and sat beside his head, stroking his forehead and watching his chest rise and fall. She took another shirt out of the suitcase his leg was on and held it tightly against the scratch on his face.

"Adam. Adam I need you stay with me. Please stay with me." She choked out through sobs as new tears replaced the old ones streaming down her cheeks. She didn't know when she had started crying but it felt like the tears would never stop. His right eye cracked open and looked around, his deep blue eye finally landing on Brooklyn's face.

"Bryn." He croaked out.

"Adam I'm here. I'm not leaving your side." One of her tears dripped off his chin onto his face and she gently wiped it off.

"Adam stay with me." She begged when his eyelid started to slip shut. She reached out and took his hand that was resting on his stomach. He squeezed her hand with all the strength he had left and she raised it to her lips and kissed it.

Before she knew it an ambulance was there. She never heard the sirens, or saw the lights, all she saw and heard was Adam. People started dragging her away from him, she screamed as his hand was torn out of hers.

"Miss we need to know his name." The officer who had dragged her away from Adam said. Brooklyn stopped struggling and turned to face him.

"Adam. Adam Davidson. Where's Levi?" Brooklyn asked, suddenly remembering the little boy.

"The kid? He's sitting in the back of the car that hit Adam. I need his parents phone number, do you know it?"

"Yes. But can I call them and tell them? They'd take it better coming from me. Please?" Brooklyn felt her heart pounding as she thought about what to do.

He handed her the phone and walked away to give her a bit of privacy.

I have to do this for Adam.

She pulled the photo of her sister out of her purse and flipped it over, reading the phone number on the back and typing it into the phone.

Ring, Ring, Ring, Ri- "Hello?"

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