His chin rested in my shoulder as I could feel his breaths in my ear. "Grapes" His husky voice whispered into my ear. I nodded my head as I felt him bend over.

I saw a grape hover over my mouth as he popped it in. I smiled while chewing it as he continued to place them into my mouth.

I then felt 4 grapes it my nose as I sat up with a gasp. I saw Harry grinned cheekily before getting up and running. "Im going to get you" I yelled as I ran after him.

I ran as fast as I could following Harry. He was a short distance away as I jumped onto his back. He fell down and brought me with it. He landed right on top of me. Our faces hovering over each other.

He looked into my eyes and a familiar glisten was in them. He had this sparkle in his eyes. His hand reached down and met my hair.

"You have a stick in you hair" He chuckled as he picked it out. He threw it the side as I watched his face.

His jaw line was so strong and his skin so tan. His eyes were gorgeous as his dimples. I could just poke them all day. Our eyes connected as his face got serious.

I decided to be spontaneous. I grabbed his white tee-shirt deciding to make the first move. His eyes met mine and had a dark tint to them. I puled him down as his lips collided with mine.

Our lips fought for dominance as our tongues began to explore each others mouth. He groaned as I pushed my lips harder to his as his arms laid on each side of my head.

You could see his muscles flex every time he pushed himself up. It was quite the turn on. We stayed like this for who knows how long until he pulled away with a smile tugging on his lips. My thumb traced over my bottom lips as the tingling never stopped.

"Lets continue this amazing picnic i set up. Don't get me wrong I really enjoy snogging you but lets wait till later yeah" He winked as he held me a hand.

I gripped it as he pulled me up. As I stood to my feet he wrapped an arm around my waist. I haven't had a moment of intimacy like this since he left. It felt good to me cared for.

We ended up walking back to the blanket as we say down in our previous position. His hands played with my hair twisting it, doing whatever he likes. It felt so good I sighed while leaning into his embrace.

"I brought some champagne would you like a glass" He smirked while reaching into the bag. "Are you trying to get me drunk" I joked as He gave me a sneaky smile.

"That would be hot" I blushed at his words. I almost saw the lust burn in his eyes. To stop the tension I grabbed the glass from his hand and sipped it. He followed my actions.

"I missed this" I sigh while snuggling into his chest. His arms wrap around my frail waist as he sighed.

"I know and I regret letting you go every waking moment" He hushed as his fingers traced my cheek.

This honestly was the perfect moment. The sun was setting and it was just me and Harry. The breeze was slightly cold as I shivered.

"Are you cold love" Harry spoke looking at me with careful eyes. He tugged at his jacket before I raised my hand. "No you will be cold. " He insisted and began to take it off.

"The lady should never be cold. As the role of the man its necessary to give you my jacket" He winked as he wrapped his jacket around my shoulders.

The warmth it gave me made me relax as I inhaled his smell. His jacket smelled just like him and I was hit with calmness. I never get moments like this mostly due to me having a daughter. Every times these moments come I savor them.

"Look at that sunset" He whispered into my ear. His hot breath made me shiver even with his jacket on. "Yeah its gorgeous" I commented as I Watched the colors in the sky.

"No as gorgeous as you" He said while kissing my cheek. I turned to him with a large smile. "Stop being so damn cheeky thats not true" I said as his face got straight.

"You are gorgeous and don't say other wise" He said still with a straight face. "Im not thought" I whispered as he stood up, breaking our position.

He walked over to the ledge of the cliff and spread his arms out. "Tiffany Joy is the most gorgeous human being in the whole wide universe" He screamed as his voice echoed.

"Harry" I yelled as I blushed at his actions. He turned around and faced me with a smile. "Tiffany is gorgeous but gets me upset when she thinks otherwise" He shouted over the ledge. I smiled at him shyly as he made his way back to me.

I stood up and walked towards him gripping his jacket. "Why did you do that" I whispered as he smile larger.

"Because the whole world deserves to know how gorgeous you are" He whispered back his hot minty breath fanning my face. His lips hovered over mine as he took the first step in colliding our lips together.

I instantly responded while kissing him back. He pulled be closer into him, leaving no space in between us. "You perfect" I spoke as I pulled away.

"Only for you" He smiled while intertwining our fingers together. His hand was so large in comparison to my tiny hand.

"Shall we get heading back Darcy must miss you" He spoke as he packed up the picnic. "Yeah lets head back" I sighed sadness lacing my voice due to the end of this night. I don't want it to end.

He walked us back to the car as I gripped onto him because it was dark and we were in the woods. I think he liked the idea of me clinging onto h for safety. Once we reached the care I breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Your such a scaredy cat" He stuck his tongue out at me. I rolled my eyes, "you seemed perfectly happy with me coming to you for protection" I replied smugly.

"That I did I love when were close" He smiled looking into my eyes. We seemed to have been doing that a lot lately.

He then switched his eyes to the road yet still observed me from the corner of his eyes. I would occasionally dance or sing to the song on the radio, amusement was clear in Harrys eyes.

Once our long car ride ended he helped me out then insisted on walking me up to my place. Since it was a gentleman like thing to do.

He stole a kick kiss at the door as a smile tugged at my lips. I swung the door open as I saw Anne cradling a sleeping Darcy.

Her eyes lit up as she saw me and Harrys intertwined hands. "Let me take her to bed" I spoke softly trying to let her sleep. Anne handed her to me as I walked over to her room.

I gently laid her onto her bed as kissed her forehead. "Goodnight baby girl sweet dreams mommy loves you so much" I spoke with a large smile on my face. I took one last look before making my way out.

I saw Harry watching intently in the doorway. "You really love her don't you" He spoke watching me and Darcy.

"Yeah" I sighed. "i really do."

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