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WARNING: I tricked ya! No sexual or inappropriate content. But a mystery and scary.)

Emeris P.O.V.

I rap my arms around Zane's neck, pulling his body against mine.

"I wish I could never let you go, Zane." I sigh as we sway, left to right.

"You don't have to. You can always stay here." He begs.

"Nice try, but you can not convince me to put you in danger." I look into his eyes sceptically.

"You never know, I could always make you stay, with one simple question." He tries to act clever but I'm not buying it.

"Na. Don't try to reason with me, Zane. As I had said before my decision is final." I tense.

"Okay fine."

Zane brushes his finger tips lightly up and down my right arm, leaving goosebumps in their trail.

His lips slowly sweep across my neck sending chills down my spine.

After a long time, Zane finally breaks the silence.

"Emeris.........." Zane softly kisses every inch of my neck.

"Yes, Zane?" I question.

"I never knew how sensitive you were." He chuckles darkly.

"I never knew you were, prepared." I sigh.

He stops at th lining of my jaw.

"I'm not that's the problem. In fact I am quite nervous." My hands in his.

"Oh...." I trail off turning a bright shade of rose.

"Emeris, I have never done this before..... I got tips from Kai....." He blushes.

"You know you are making Kai sound like a whore right?" I laugh.

"No.", Zane joins in, "I didn't know. But if you think about it....."

"Oh, you are terrible. I never seen this side of you." I begin to think that it might not be Zane.

Zane isn't like this, I feel like something is wrong. This isn't the Zane I know.

I take a step back to look into his eyes.

"Zane, answer me thins question." I begin.

"Alright, anything." He looks at me confused.

"What happened the first day we met?"

"Can you repeat that?" Zane looks frightened.

"What. Happened. The. Very. First. Day. We. Met?" I slowly ask.

"Umm.... Uh.. Well.......... I....." He stutters.

"You are not, Zane. He told me he would never forget that. Who are you?!" I yell.

"I'm Zane!" He comes toward me with open arms.

"NO!", I push him away, "I know he would never forget that!" I yell.

The person takes off the disguise and it is.....

"Scales?!" I gasp.

"Thatsss right my dear, Garmadon wantsss you." He begins to pick me up but I kick him in the face.

I run out to the bridge to see all of my friends and family dieing.

"NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! WHY?!?!?!?!?! WHY?!?!?! HOW COULD THEY?!?!?! THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" I scream in grief, pain and agony.

"LLOYD!!!!!!! UNCLE!!!!!!! ZANE!!!!!!!! KAI!!!!!!! COLE!!!!!!! JAY!!!!!!! NYA!!!!!! ALL OF MY FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE I HAVE LOVED!!!!!!!!! tHEY ARE GONE!!!!!!!!" I scream so hard my head begins to hurt.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" I cry.... Feeling my whole body go weak.

"Emeris!" A familiar voice whispers.

"Emeris!" It whispers again but louder this time.

"Emeris!", The voices yells, "Emeris, Wake up! Your dreaming!"

I sit up gasping for air, tears streaming down my face like a waterfall.

Lloyd hugs me tightly, not letting go.

"Lloyd your alive!" I rejoice, rapping my arms around him fiercely.

"Emeris, I thought you were dead until I heard you screaming. You have been knocked out for two weeks." He worries.

"Wait wheres Zane? Sensei? Kai? Cole? Nya? Jay? Where are they?" I let go.

"They are all asleep, except for Zane. He's been worried for a while now. I told them not to bury you because I had a feeling that you would come back to life. So uncle went with what I said. I told Zane that I heard someone screaming and he thought I was just hearing things." Lloyd explains.

"B-but my dream was terrible. Everyone died......." I sigh.

"Oh.........", He trails off, "Did you want me to get Zane?" He begins to get up.

"NO!" I yell and cover my mouth instantly.

"Why?" Lloyd asks curious.

"Because...... Um.... Well...... I-I........ I don't know." I sigh.

"Well just come take a walk with me to the bridge then." He puts his hand out.

I take his hand and begin to lift my legs up. As soon as I stand up, I realize I have to use the bathroom.

"I'll be back!" I run to the bathroom.

"Ready?" He asks impatient.

"Yea.." I sigh.

We head to the bridge to see Zane.

"I told you not to bring me to him! I look terrible!" I whisper in his ear angrily.

"Sorry, but I needed  proof or Zane would have died." Lloyd whispers back.

He lets go of me and I didn't think that I could hold myself for much longer.

After all, I haven't walked in two weeks.

Lloyd whispers Zane to turn around and then I fall.

Zane was quicker than I thought and had caught me right before I hit the ground.

I thought 'Hey since we are in such a romantic pose he could just kiss me now.', but he just whispers in my ear.

"I never got the chance to say, I love you too." He lifts me back up.

I feel my face turn a bright red and Lloyd stares at us confused.

"So whats goin' on?" He scratches his head.

Zane and I exchange frightened looks. Then we just stare into each others eyes, reading.

Lloyd looks at Zane then me then Zane to me again.

"No! Don't tell me!" Lloyd screams....

"Uh..... Oh..." I cringe...

NINJAGO - Real Life (My experience)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant