I emotionlessly told her. I left her and the crowd shocked, Flare Onyx walked by me we went on the old garden

She grabbed my wrist

“Shit, Rogue what have you done? Do you forget about our mission? You completely showed yourself.”

“I'm sorry, I think it is because I don't have enough sleep I am still tired”

“You forgot about your disguise”

“With or without disguise I will put this mission in success. I can solve this more when I am not on disguise. I will solve this on my own way”

She tapped my shoulder to make me calm.

“Why I? It should be we. You have us here. You are not alone we can work together to make this mission work”

“I'm sorry”

“It's okay, how about your uniform?”

“I had a spare in my locker, I still have the kit that you gave me”

“Okay, I am going to get all of those. Stay here Rogue and wait for me. We are going to the shower”

“It is still early there are no varsities yet so okay I'll wait here”

She left me to get my spare uniform, towel and soap on my locker. I am here sitting on a cemented bench that has a thin layer of dust.

Dry fallen leaves and branches of trees are scattered on the ground. This is not clean as the campus, No one enters here. As expected because this is a restricted area.

It's been few minutes before she arrived.

“Let's go?”

“Sure, this feels really sticky and I hate it”

“How about your disguise?”

“I have made my decision, I'll continue this mission as Rogue and not as Annica”


“Tanda said that Annica is going back”

“She should thank you for making her grades all in line of nine”

We both laughed, She waited for me to finish taking a bath.

“Hey Rogue Argonne, are we going back to class?”

“Let's just go back for afternoon classes”

“Where are we going to stay? ”

“At the cottage near the parking lot”

I haven't worn my necktie on, While we are walking we encountered a commotion.

We went near to see what was it. There I saw the classmates of the brat that messed with me earlier.

They are forming a circle around someone, I still cannot see who was it, but I can see that they are all furious.

“Those Troopers who belong at the lower grade they are kind'a warfreeks”

I went nearer to see who was it, I really don't know but my feet keeps on walking nearer.

I  am so shocked to see who's in the circle.

It's Reigue Xenonne, she's back. I am so happy to see her finally

“Hey, stop”

I coldly commanded them. They turned on my direction, they are so shocked on what they see.

“It is me who messed up with your friend not her, so let her go”

They froze for a second and run away.

Flare Onyx helped Annica Beatrice Stand up. She's wearing a shirt and pants.

I went near her and hug her tight, even her is so shocked seeing someone who look like her

“Welcome back Reigue Xenonne”

She's puzzled

“What? Shou must be mistaken I am Annica Beatrice Castro, why do you look like me?”

“I am Rogue Argonne Gomez, your sister. Your real name is Reigue Xenonne Gomez”

“I...I had a sister?”

“Yes, you heard it right I am your sister”

Seems like I am just looking at the mirror the only difference is our eye color. I can't explain the happiness that I am feeling right now.

“Let's go to the office of the Talons.”

The three of us walked together, I can sense that Reigue Xenonne still can't believe everything.

I don't knock I just opened the door.

“What the? Don't you know how to knock?”

I just raised a brow on Zymophore Kriegspiel.

“Zk, need to tell you something”

“Come in”

Even Zk is shocked to see me with sister .

“Tell me Rogue, Am I dreaming?”

“Idiot, you are not”

Reigue  Xenonne is so shocked by the way I am talking to Zymophore Kriegspiel.

“Wait, did you just call the president Idiot?”

“Yes Reigue Xenonne you heard it right”

Zymophore Kriegspiel changed his mood to a serious one.

“What will I do then? ”

“She'll be back here, but can you please change her records to Reigue Xenonne? ”

“ I will tell Ellizabeth Moureen Muñoz to do that, how about you?”

“Can I still enroll here? ”

“Yes you can, you will start tommorow as a Talon”

“No I just want to be a Trooper”

“You are much stronger than Thunder Kade, You must  enter this school as a Talon”


“I am the President and that is my decision”

Now I had my sister with me, I am here to protect her.

I want to know her more, I am very happy to have her


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