enter the annoying period hair colored bastard

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while my classmates were shouting numbers as they swiped their knives, i sat in a tree nearby, observing boredly. this wasn't interesting. i already knew how to fight, i knew how to wield a knife and shoot a decent range of guns.

i figured i'd only take part in this class when the rest of them started advancing more, because right now, they were still beginners.

karasuma was explaining to them that they needed to drill the basics to get better, which was true, but it was so uninteresting. i guess growing up in ikebukuro made everything else outside of the city boring.

aside from the creature. i mean, he's a literal octopus beast thing.

izaya would hate him, hah.

the man from the ministry of defense looked to be telling two of my classmates to try and attack him, which they did so.

extremely sloppily. it was painful to watch.

when they tried to charge a final time, he grabbed the two boys and forced them to the ground, immobilizing them. now, that was cool. kinda reminds me of home, with all the bad fighters i've had to put in place.

as the class ended, i hopped down from the tree branch i'd been sitting on, and while i was walking towards the building, i noticed a shadow over me.

"ah, heiwajima-chan! you really should've been training along with your peers! otherwise you won't be able to hone your skills, and you'll never be able to kill me!" the yellow creature said, albeit teasingly, but i still felt like he was looking down on me.

i sighed.

"look, dude, the only reason i'm not joining is because i already know the basics. i learned them years ago, so i'd rather not learn something i already know. now, please move aside."

i made to move past him, but the "teacher" only stayed in my way.

"well, it's not like anything bad can come from you making new friends with your peers! i understand that it can be hard moving and coming to a new school-," he was saying, but i cut him off.

"that has nothing to do with it. there's no point in making friends if i don't plan on staying here. now get the hell out of my way."

"heiwajima-chan, that is no way to talk to your teacher-!"

he didn't see the knife coming.

one second, he was perfectly fine. the next, he had half a tentacle gone, squirming around on the floor.

gasps went around my fellow classmates, but i only stepped closer to the monster, shooting a glare at him.

"don't piss me off."

with that, i walked past him and made my way up the stairs, ignoring the guy with red hair at the top.

"wow. that was quite the show~."

i bumped his shoulder forcefully as i pass, not bothering to respond.

these people weren't worth my time.

i quickly grab my bag from the classroom, making sure everything was where i'd left it, and left the building, only to see the redhead destroy another tentacle of the creatures'.

'at least someone here is interesting.'

i walked towards the tree line, hoping nobody was paying attention to me as i walked away, but apparently, my luck had run out for the day.

"heiwajima! you can't just walk out!" karasuma shouted annoyedly, and i groaned.

"back to class, missy," the octopus ushered, keeping a slight distance from me, seeing as i had been the first person to land a hit on him. he now knew better than to underestimate me. we passed the redhead again, and he was staring at me as we did, smirking.

what the fuck.


the day continued to go on, with the period head (as i've begun calling him) using every chance he got to take a hit on the creature.

his first attempt was while everyone was taking a test. i'd refused to do it, just sitting back and staring at the back of the yellow octopus as he punched the wall, annoying everyone who was trying to actually take the stupid test.

period head brought out a gelato that the beast got from italy or whatever, causing the "teacher" to yell at him in frustration. as he went to collect it from the annoying bastard sitting a desk away from me, he suddenly stopped when a pop! sounded out, and looked down to see that he'd walked on anti-him pellets. what an idiot.

the bastard walked out of class, taunting the octopus, and i groaned.

"if that bastard can leave, why the fuck can't i?"

instead of gaining a response, i earned silence, so i just grabbed my stuff and made to leave again, but the octopus put me back in my seat quickly.

after school, i was waiting for my train, when i saw the blue haired feminine-looking boy being taunted by some students from the main campus, and i sighed. i really didn't wanna get involved in anything while i was here, but i might just have to. i fucking despise bullies, even if my best friend kinda is one.

just as i was about to walk over and beat those assholes senseless, period head smashed a bottle against the wall by their heads, freaking the little pussies out. he scared them a bit more, leaving them to run away, and i turned away as i saw there was no need for me to get involved, anymore.

"huh? heiwajima-san?" a familiar voice called out, and i groaned as i turned to glare slightly at my classmates.

"what do you want?" i grit out, obviously annoyed, but the short boy only looked at me in confusion and surprise.

"i didn't know you took the train. well, specifically this one, at least," he commented, trying to start a proper conversation.

"why does it matter? i would've left earlier if that goddamn creature would've left me alone. just stay away from me, got it?" i growled out, glaring at the two boys before boarding the train.

i can't be bothered with this shit.

just as the train was about to take off, a familiar person walked onto the train and i groaned internally. why did the damn period head have to take the same train as me?

"oh, hey, heiwajima-chan! funny seeing you here!" he said mockingly, and i groaned as he took the seat across from me.

"what do you want, asshole?"

"awe, come on! i just wanted to make a new friend~!"

"as if. you're only talking to me because you wanna mess with me. well, sorry, but i want nothing to do with you, so back off."

after a few more stops of him relentlessly trying to get me to respond to him, i finally got off. it wasn't my actual stop, just in case he decided to follow me and try to find out where i live. i didn't need that bullshit.

"bye bye, heiwajima-chan~!" he exclaimed teasingly, and i sighed as i walked off.


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