Identity Confession

Start from the beginning

Removing his glasses, "Right time?"

"What? You go by the rules, well for the most part. I was trying to wait to be ready when you were so this little tiff wouldn't happen. I swear I wasn't trying to keep this or anything from you. You just have to ask."

Taking a step to her, "I don't always go by the rules."

"Yeah, you do." She giggled.

Getting closer, "I beg to differ."

"You have a great sense of humor. I like that a lot." Kennedy smiled.

Giles got really close, he was inches from her, "Are you sure about that?"

Seeing the clock, "Yes I am." Sliding off the desk.

Watching her, "Where are you going?" He asked.

"Romeo and Juliet remember? The play you still need to explain to me why everyone finds so good." Giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before rushing off.

The time didn't seem to pass fast enough for Kennedy. Romeo and Juliet seemed to take forever on it's run through. And to make matters worse it had been almost a week since she saw Giles.

The day finally came and it was the last show of Romeo and Juliet; Kennedy couldn't be more thrilled by it. After going backstage to check how things were she made her way to the front. Everything went smooth and the final production was over.

Kennedy was passing the library when she heard a racket. Going to check it she saw the group battling a few vampires. It didn't last long; Buffy had them all taken care of.

"You guys should be more careful. The principal is going to be pissed if he finds out about this." She told them once things were calm.

Buffy spun to her, "They started it."

Willow and Xander came walking out from behind the bookcase, they were helping Giles. Kennedy sat next to him when they got him on a chair. Xander and Willow sat next to Buffy on the other side of the table.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to tell anyone." Kennedy glanced there way.

Xander leaned forward, "I hope not. This is top-secret. If you leak this out to anyone we might have to kill you."

"Actually we should kill you and Willow since you two aren't really supposed to know about all this." Leaning back in her chair.

"What?" Willow said in a high squeaky voice.

Giles' head was laying on top of the chair, "She's an ex-watcher, she already knows about all this."

"Which you were going to explain," Buffy said in a stern voice.

"You guys know the story of Leslie Finnagin?"

Willow tilted her head, "That's the girl you told us about a while back, isn't it?" Looking at Giles.

"Well that's me except now I go by my middle and maiden name."

Xander got his question out before the others, "You were married?"

"For a short time. I don't like to talk about it."

"Why'd you quit?" Buffy flatly asked.

Kennedy looked to her hands for a brief moment before answering, "My best friend who was to do all this fell in love. When I told her the council wouldn't let her, that she had to concentrate on being a slayer so she could be ready when duty called, I ripped my best friends heart out. So I quit and told her to go be in love."

"But how can you be a watcher and your best friend be a slayer?" Buffy asked.

She licked her lips, "They didn't count on a watcher and a slayer in love and having twin girls. My sister is my best friend and a slayer and I was going to be her watcher. Come on Giles lets get you home." Helping him up.

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