22 • New Secrets, Overdue Confessions

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"I'm glad that you share the same enthusiasm," then he looked at her hand that was on him and he was immediately met with butterflies raging in his stomach. "Oh no..." he thought as he tried to focus on the road.

"Why do you always have to complicate things with feelings, Kanaye?" he thought as kept driving.


They both stepped out of the car into the cold air surrounding them. They had driven up into a mountainous region, which was were the warehouse the Leauge of Villans was suppose to be.

They hesitantly entered, only to see a dark, hunched over figure leaning over the farthest wall from them. In her mind, Y/N was already regretting joining him but had to shake off that fear quickly. Kanaye put a handout in front of her, stopping her from moving, and stepped a little ways further towards the mysterious person.

"Aren't you gonna at least look up,"  Kanaye said as his voice echoed through the warehouse.

There was no response from the figure for a second until he somewhat straightened out and walked towards Kanaye. "You brought a hero friend," he hissed as he waved his hand to the side as if signaling for something.

Within an instant, blue flames separated Kanaye and Shigaraki from Y/N who was a little way behind. "These flames..." she thought. Fear instantly overcame her as she was about to turn around when an arm wrapped around her and a hand slipped around her neck. The stranger who had caught her leaned down to her height whispered close to her ear, "If you even move, I'm going to burn your neck faster than you can scream," Dabi said as he stood back up at his normal height. Whilst this was happening, Kanaye had turned around, making eye contact with Y/N who was trying to cry for help with just a look. He gave her a reassuring smile.

"I didn't want to turn to violence this visit, but if I have too I won't hesitate," Kanaye said as he glared at Shigaraki, "So why don't you let go of the girl, or else this will get pretty ugly really fast," he threatened.

Shigaraki stood there in silence for a while, not even bothering to look up at the scene Dabi created. "Let go, Dabi," he finally stated. And with that, Dabi let go of Y/N.

Y/N tried to regain her breath like a thousand questions ran through her head. "Kanaye, what the hell is this? Your not teaming up with them are you?" she questioned urgently.

Kanaye kept his gaze on Shigaraki not even turning to acknowledge her question. "On the contrary actually," he grinned at Shigaraki. 

"I'm actually here to detain them,"


Hours after their encounter with some of the Legue, Y/N sat on her couch contemplating all the unusual events that took place.

There's something not right about this. Why would the League just hand themselves over to us so easily? Maybe I shouldn't think about it too much. Kanaye did say that this was a private investigation from his agency in America....but I can't help but feel-

"So are you gonna just keep staring at me, cause it's fucking annoying" 

Y/N 's stare turned into a glare.

Oh yeah, he's here. That's another thing I don't understand: why do I have to keep watch on this guy? Why couldn't have we just turned him into the police. Kanaye better have a good reason or so help me god I'll-

"So you're refusing to talk to me?" Dabi said giving her a very blank look.

"Don't be so quick to jump to conclusions. I'm just thinking about how all of this happened in the first place".

Dabi didn't say anything for a moment but just looked at her. "..look I know you wanna ask but I don't have the answers you're looking for and even if I did, I sure as hell wouldn't tell you."

"I wouldn't even trust you to tell the truth anyway," she retorted as she was getting tired of this vagueness. "This is just all so infuriating. How am I suppose to rest knowing that one of the more dangerous villains in the Leauge is free to roam around and use his quirk in my apartment? Plus, I had plans tonight and this thing just fucking ruined everything! So how about you AT LEAST just sit there, stop talking, and stay out of the room at the end of the hallway." she huffed as she finished her rant. 

Dabi, of course, didn't say anything and just layed down and faced away from her, which only infuriated her even more. Y/N quickly grabbed her house keys and her phone and stomped towards the door. 

"Just in case you were wondering, I'm going outside. Don't do anything while I'm gone cause I'll....I'll....whatever just don't do anything bad!" she said as she slammed the door behind her. Y/N quickly made her way all the way down to the street level of her apartment building, shooting unintentional death glares to everyone she crossed paths with. As soon as she got outside, she took her phone out and dialed a number. 




"Keigo, it's me," she sighed in relief as she heard his voice. 

"Oh hey, what's up?" he sincerely asked.

"Nothing," her voice sounded irritated, "Nothing much really..." she trailed off.

Keigo paused, "Well it doesn't sound like nothing to me. You know you can tell me what's wrong, right?" he reassured her.

Trust me, if I could I would, but I just have to trust Kanaye and not tell anyone about this yet.

"Yeah...yeah thank you for that. It's just umm...something came up and it's really urgent so I don't think I can make it to our date tonight...." she sadly said.

There wasn't any sound coming from the other side of the line which was worrying Y/N a lot. 

"It's no problem, if it's that urgent, we can reschedule for another time. So don't worry about it too much...." he said. She felt so bad about all of this, even though it wasn't her fault, but she couldn't just not help a friend. She could only think of one way that would make it up to him immediately.




"I want to be your girlfriend"



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See you next time,


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