"I've been doing this for a year, Sookie, I know what I'm doing."

"I have the same..." she paused, realizing there were other vampires around, vampires who didn't need to know about their powers, "...abilities, as you. I can wield a stake just as well."

"Bill..." Brooke whined, hoping he could stop her from coming. But the vampire misunderstood the situation.

"I will keep an eye on her, I promise," he nodded.

Brooklynne opened her mouth but no sound came out of it, stunned. She looked up to Eric for help.

"I'll look out for her too," he promised, knowing, just like Bill, that there was no stopping Sookie.

"Urgh," Brooke gave up. "Fine. What's the plan?"


The plan. The plan had gone terribly wrong. In all the ways it could have, and even in ways no one could have ever imagined. As previously thought, Marnie/Antonia didn't come alone, and even though they were outnumbered by Bill's people, human and vampire, it appeared that Marnie had won this battle, and they had lost more.

In an effort of sparing human lives, despite their efforts to kill all vampires present in the cemetery, Bill had lost control of his men, and Sookie got caught in the crossfire. Was she hurt by a wooden bullet from the witch's side or by a regular bullet from Bill's guards, no one knew. But she was hurt, and only vampire blood could save her. However, Bill was nowhere to be found. But unlike the vampire, a werewolf had appeared out of nowhere, to save the day. Or rather, the night.

"Alcide what are you doing here?" Brooklynne asked between two breaths, as she was running as fast as she could behind him. He was tall, he was strong, and it didn't help that he was a werewolf too. He was twice faster than she was, even with a half-dead Sookie in his arms.

So, she ran, leaving Eric, Bill, even Tara and Holly behind in the cemetery. Though she was worried for all of them, she couldn't help but feel more than irritated towards her human friends who were actively trying to kill her boyfriend.

"I heard about the meeting, I came to see if you had stayed out of it!"

"You came because you knew we hadn't." "Where the fuck are Bill and Eric?" she cursed mentally.

As if summoned by her thoughts, a vampire passed them by suddenly, taking Sookie out of Alcide's arms, making him trip over his own feet. He growled, unhappy by the vampire's disrespectful actions towards him, hoping it would at least save Sookie.

"Who was that?"

"Didn't see," she replied. "Come on."

He got to the house before she did but saw the same thing he did as she entered the living room behind him. Sookie, lying on the couch, Bill hovering before her, feeding her his blood. Her eyes were opened, and she already looked more alive than a few seconds before.

"Is she okay?" Brooke asked as she kneeled near the couch.

"She'll be fine," he said with a worried tone as if that wasn't true at all.

"Then why you're looking like she's already dead?" Alcide barked at the vampire.

"It's Antonia..."

"We should have killed her when we had the chance," she mumbled.

"Brooklynne," Bill started to say as he stood up with a grave look on his face. "She took the sheriffs."


"She's controlling them. She's a necromancer, remember? She left with the sheriffs. All the sheriffs."

"All the... what?" she repeated in a weak voice as she started to understand.

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