Kidnapped and All For One and Bakugos Stand

Start from the beginning

But then we noticed eleven familiar shapes flying towards us and they did not look happy in the slightest. Ray was the first one to speak and he is always so nice but, "you know he before tonight really respected the hero known as EraserHead. Well we are just projections Dark is locating our master now, his opinion and the way he views you all will probably have changed. I know ours had" and with that they disappeared and the two heroes were frozen especially Mr. Aizawa.

Then me along with the rest of the class went inside but Bakugo stayed out.

Bakugo POV

Needless to say I was pissed, "I want to be a hero, sure but how about this you bastards I beat you, you treat him with respect and trust him" I said challenging all five of them with an emotionless smile. "You may be pro heroes but everyone makes mistakes and Izuku told me every one of your quirks. But let's not forget I can adapt quickly in a fight" I said and I could tell the five present were shocked the villains left not too long ago so they were all present and accounted for. I was watching everyone and thanks to each puppet training me and teaching me things separately and the training I have done with Izuku I can easily win. They tried to talk me out of this several times, "no because if I do you'll continue treating him like shit am I right" I said and he didn't respond and his face said watch your tone. "I will not attack first the first rule of attacking a minor even if they are a villain, they have to commit a crime and I have not done such a thing but you are. Mandalay you have failed him as well as the rest EraserHead while in the classroom treats all of us with respect. I will not stand down until you start and by looks on your face I have to drill some facts in your head as soon as your down on the ground" I said and smiled a cocky one. "Come at me heroes" I said simply and taunted with mini explosions. 'I know I have to take Mandalay out first but Eraser will stop my quirk and I recently learned hand to hand from Ryan in his human form when me and him were away from everyone else and they were asleep.'

They sighed, "problem child" he said and put his goggles on and I saw my classmates watching. I smiled as his hair went up. I surprised him with me not jumping at him. He charged and I surprised him by me being able to keep up with him, "when it comes to stuff like this I'm a fast learner" I said as I grabbed his arm and threw him and blasted at the the telepathy quirk user but then I blasted straight into the sky making Pixie-Bob miss I never took my eyes off of my target.

I was blasting around when I already knew Tiger would jump and I was told his quirk would definitely be used as avoidance so I had a plan. I wasn't thinking I was acting on instinct, I aimed a gauntlet at him he was in the way of me and Mandalay, "your quirk would be good at avoiding attacks but you can't otherwise your teammate will take the hit" I stated and I could tell he was in a pickle we were both in the air but I had the advantage and I was also taking quick glances at our teacher and when he blinked I pulled it and it hit. It wasn't a fatal hit but to the point he was unconscious, then I was surprised Ragdoll attacked and I was using hand to hand combat I saw her frustrated her quirk can find weaknesses. "I focus on my weaknesses the most, get rid of those and you can't search for anything right I'll just say people say I have anger issues" I said and I saw her frustrated and then she threw with to much weight into an attack and lost her balance I took my chance and whacked her with my gauntlet. "I'm not even out of breath,come on you kidding me" I said with a little emotion in my voice.

I then surprised people because I couldn't use my quirk I was going to attack the one with the quirk to control the earth I was dodging then I felt my explosions back and was in front of her, "three down" I said and punched her and ignited some of my sweat causing a explosion knocking her out. I then turned to the other two and, "I'll start thinking again if you want" I said and this is actually the main reason I have my gauntlets on. "I'm just a hero beating up a bunch of small time bullies" I said and I was now standing in front of the telepath. "I am his back up when his puppets can't help him. I am his friend and I will protect him. Heck you should be thanking him for protecting the kid. Grow up the world veiws quirks differently but heroes should put that all to the side and help people. For example if I decided to jump into action to protect my friends I would only have to fight EraserHead" I said and she knew I was right due to how easily I took out her team.

Then my teacher got my attention, "Bakugo you got to see it from other people's point of view his quirk is risky but helpful, fearful yet useful. He could help millions of people with that quirk but the only thing that we are scared of is the fact that he can control people" he said and I turned my head and looked out of the corner of my eyes. "That quirk is-" I cut him off.

"He knows how to control it and you know that and Ryan agreed to protect him as did Dark, Kei, Jay, and Chase did as well and he can also defend himself. Like you said he could help tons of people with that quirk, and you need to have more faith. It has been like awhile since the entrance exam you all need to grow up. I mean what would you have done run away like he was and have no back up then round face wouldn't be here today" I said and he shut up. "I'm also his best friend besides his puppets, he told me he stopped the hero killer so EraserHead told me who the bad guy is in this situation" his silence was my answer and I turned back to the hero in front of me. "You heard the good he's done with those puppets of his so what do you say" I said still ready for a fight if needed especially since my other gauntlet was ready now.

"Ok fine he's ok" she said and I smiled. "We'll stop and act like how I guess what you said" she did nervous laughter then I turned towards Aizawa.

I stood in front of him and he thought I was done, "you can expect this same thing when we get back to" I stated and his eyes widened. I had determination in my eyes, "I don't tend to take kindly to this shit as soon as Ryan said something that day I knew something was up and I ain't afraid. You teachers are about to get schooled by the school's cockiest kid there" I stated and he sighed.

At the villain base Dark is still searching

Izuku POV

I started to wake and I noticed I was surrounded by villains and one particular I thought was gone for good by Kei's explosion. I looked at them and knew I was in for the fight of a lifetime. "I know what is going to happen no one will come look for me well except my puppets" I said then I got a message from Ryan that Kacchan told the teachers off and they lost a fight meaning they have to treat me with respect meaning I have two search teams. He also said Dark would stay while he was the tracker. "Or not" I smiled. "My friends and heroes are looking for me. What do you want" I stated and he shocked me by holding out his hand.

"Simple join us they don't treat like they are supposed to like a person. They treat you like a villain" I heard Ryan screaming not to listen. "The principle doesn't trust you right and the staff follow his command, you could do so much more" he said and before anything Ryan appeared in front of me and what he said shocked me and I could tell the villains were surprised.

"Master you have people supporting you from the sidelines and we do as well we won't let you give up everything you worked so hard to accomplish" he said and I smiled. "Listen here my old friends. I am a puppet of a hero and I have switched sides and I will protect them. I have fought for myself for too long" he said and my eyes widened that I was about to see the number two villain fight with no restraints whatsoever because I felt my hold loosen slightly meaning he is pulling himself free but not to the point that he dies. "Sorry the contract restricted some of my power. I hope you aren't too mad" he said but then the wall quickly blew open and Rayn reverted to his doll size but his grip was still loose so he was still ready for battle.

"Young Midoriya" I turned to All Might, "are you alright" he asked and I couldn't say anything due to me puking up a black substance and I noticed Ryan grab me.

When we got there a pound landed on the right side of me and Ryan turned back and started talking, "you are about to lose your rank today to the glitch" he said as somehow computers came out of the ground along with radios, TV, some consoles and phones. "My quirk affects reality but glitching out refers to online or something that is happening on a screen" he said then turned to me. "May I have your permission to engage the enemy?" he asked and I said ok. "Oh and Dark stop All Might. Oh and Izuku when you master my quirk you will be able to do this stuff as well" he said as he went inside a computer I actually saw him on the screen.


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