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*during Jet Lag. What happened in Paris?

     Ziva opened the door to the hotel room. Tony followed her inside, carrying the luggage. He looked over at Ziva as her phone rang.
     "David," Ziva said curtly.
     Tony busied himself with placing their luggage on the racks as Ziva continued with the call. She dropped her coat on the bed and walked to the window. Tony kept an ear open for any indication of who was on the other end. Ziva was not speaking Hebrew, so Tony knew it was not a friend from Israel.
     "Alright, see you tomorrow." Ziva hung up and turned to Tony. "That was the embassy. They have our witness under lock and key."
     "Great, we'll pick her up tomorrow and be back in D.C." Tony opened his suitcase and pulled out a cardigan.
     "I do not know why they have placed our witness in prison, but I suppose it's efficient." Ziva looked at Tony quizzically.
     Tony simply looked over at her. "What?"
     Ziva pulled her hair out of the low ponytail. "They have her under lock and key."
     Tony sighed. "No, it just means that they're watching her closely. They won't let anything happen to her."
     Ziva stood straight and tilted her head. "She is not in prison?"
     "Why is she under lock and key?" Ziva ran her fingers through her hair.
     "She's not," Tony said exasperated. "It's an idiom."
     Ziva narrowed her eyes, but shrugged and went into the bathroom to freshen up.
     "Where should we go for lunch?" Tony called, turning to sit on the bed.
     "It is four o' clock, Tony." Ziva poked her head around the corner. "It's past lunch."
     "We can grab a late lunch," Tony retaliated.
     Ziva walked out and leaned on the door frame. "Can't you just wait for dinner?"
     Tony frowned. "Why? Aren't you hungry?"
     Ziva shook her head. "No, I had a little bite on the plane."
     Tony's eyebrows furrowed. "How'd you get food on the plane?"
     Ziva smirked and hung up her coat. "I brought a few bars with me."
     Tony shrugged and laid on the bed. He tilted his head up and saw Ziva pull her sweater off. A black tank top was under and she walked towards a chair. She moved slowly and she sat down with a sigh.
     "You tired?" Tony asked.
     "You aren't?" Ziva mumbled back.
     "I slept on the plane," Tony said.
     "Must have been nice." Ziva rolled her head around.
     "Wanna take the bed?" Tony sat up.
     "There is only one," Ziva responded, standing up.
     Tony patted the bed. "We can share. We're both adults."
     Ziva gave a small chuckle. "Care to debate?"
     Tony feigned shock. "Well, and here I thought you thought better of me, sweet cheeks."
     Ziva rolled her eyes. "We can eat later."
     Tony stood up and grabbed his coat. "Or, we could walk around Paris and then go eat."
     Ziva tilted her head slightly. "You're really not giving up on Paris."
     Tony shook his head and took up her fuzzy lavender white coat. "Here, let's go."
     Ziva took it and slipped it on. Tony slung her purse on her shoulder and practically dragged her out and done the hall to the elevator.
     "Paris is not that exciting," Ziva commented as she buttoned her coat. "Pretty, yes, good scenery, but in the end, it is just like any other city."
     Tony shook his had and slipped his camera in the pouch. "Au contaire, mademoiselle. Paris is the city of love. Does any other city have that claim?"
     "Well, the Vatican City is a romantic place too," Ziva pointed out.
     Tiny furrowed his eyebrows and he thought about what she said. The ding sounded as the doors opened. Ziva exited and grabbed a small map on the way past the front desk. She and Tony started down the street on their adventure. Ziva followed Tony with a light smile. Tony was so excited, taking pictures of everything they passed. Ziva did look around as she saw Paris in a new light. Sure she had been there before, but she had never been with anyone who had fun like Tony.
"Baguette?" Tony offered.
Ziva looked to her right. Tony had wanted to grab a nibble and Ziva decided to wait outside. She looked at the half of the baguette that Tony offered. Tony wiggled it as she reached out to take it.
"Where do you want to go to eat?" Ziva asked, tearing off a piece of the baguette.
Tony looked out over the water and raised his half a little. "We are eating."
Ziva gave him a "you idiot" look. "Real food, Tony. A restaurant or café."
Tony smirked and held out his hand. "The map please."
Ziva pulled the map out of her pocket and handed it to him. Tony shoved the rest of the baguette in his mouth and scanned the map. As Ziva finished her half, she peered over the top of the map. Tony was staring very intently on the map as he decided where to eat.
"That is a nice place," Ziva said, pointing to a small café.
Tony looked at her and handed her the map. "Lead the way, Ziv-ah. I am your faithful follower."
Ziva raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Are you now?"
Tony managed a small gulp as Ziva traced his face and body with her eyes. As soon as the sultry stare came, it was gone. Ziva turned easily and began walking down the road, her nose buried in the map. Tony exhaled and cleared his throat.
"Wait up!" He began jogging after Ziva.
After about ten minutes of walking, Ziva looked up with a frown. Tony watched her inspect the map, her gaze switching from her surroundings to the map. Ziva turned sharply, her face set with determination. Tony pulled out his camera and began taking pictures of his surroundings. He looked through the lens and saw Ziva's back in the frame.
"Hey Ziva," Tony called. "Is that the café?"
Ziva turned to see where Tony was pointing. Tony smirked as he looked at the pictures. Ziva "aha-ed" as she spotted the café.
"See Tony! I knew I wasn't lost." Ziva took of at a brisk pace towards the café.
Tony sped after her, still admiring the photo he took. Unbeknownst to Ziva, Tony had snapped a picture of her just as she had been turning. Her hair was mid swing and her face was light and she looked so carefree to Tony. Tony looked as Ziva shoved the map into her pocket and entered the café. He would tell her about the photo......eventually.

"Tony stop!"
Ziva burst into the hotel room, laughing as she sat on the edge of the bed. Tony followed, wearing massive plastic glasses and carrying a stuffed bear and multiple bags.
"C'mon Ziva! Just wear the glasses for two seconds!" Tony pleaded.
Ziva hung up her coat and shook her head. "No! I'm not going to wear those so you can take a picture of me."
Tony moped as he took off the glasses and slid his coat off. "You took a picture of me."
Ziva chuckled and began sifting through the bags. "Well that is because McGee will be pleased to know that you had fun in Paris."
Tony gave an amused snort and sifted through the bags with Ziva. Ziva pulled out her things and left the others for Tony. Most of their items were food and souvenirs for the rest of the team, but some of the items purchased were for themselves. Ziva got a new pair of simple diamond earrings and a small wallet with the Eiffel Tower stamped into the corner. Tony, on the other hand, bought a new belt and a blue and gold silk tie.
"We should hit the sack," Tony advised. "Early morning tomorrow."
Ziva packed all of her souvenirs in her suitcase and turned, crossing her arms at Tony. "Since when have you been the responsible one?"
Tony looked up, untucking his shirt. "Since now."
Ziva rolled her eyes playfully and grabbed a loose tank and soft shorts. Ziva closed the bathroom to get dressed, her heart racing. She was way in over her head with Tony. She knew they would be terrible as a couple, but something in her heart kept making her wish they could be together. Ziva threw on her pajamas and washed her face, cleansing her face and her mind from the sinful thoughts she had about Tony. Ziva brushed her teeth and was just about to brush her hair when-
"Hey! You done in there?" Tony asked, knocking. "I wanna brush my teeth."
Ziva huffed quietly and collected her stuff. She opened the door to an impatient Tony.
"Finished," Ziva said.
Tony entered and Ziva could hear him humming as he did her personal hygiene things. Ziva brushed her hair and sat on the corner of the bed. She thought about what Tony had said at dinner. "You can have the bed, I'll take the couch". Ziva ran her hand on the comforter as Tony exited.
"I'm just gonna steal a blaket and-"
"Tony, sleep in the bed," Ziva insisted. "We both know your back is lousy if you sleep on the couch. Besides, we have shared a bed before."
"Well, last time," Tony said, sliding into the bed. "We were undercover and you were naked."
Ziva slid into the bed, her elbow under her head, staring into Tony's eyes. "You want me naked?"
Tony opened and closed his mouth, mentally back tracking. "No, I didn't say that, did you hear me say that?"
Tony rolled onto his back and sighed.
Ziva rolled her eyes and tucked her chin closer to her chest. "Tony?"
Tony peeped open an eye. "Yeah?"
Ziva looked up at him. "Thank you for a lovely night."
Tony's eyes softened and he leaned forward, kissing Ziva's forehead. He reached forward and bopped her nose, giving her cheek a gentle caress. "You're welcome Ziva. Night."
Ziva turned so she was facing away from Tony. "Good night, Tony."
Ziva closed her eyes, but opened them as she felt the bed move. Tony slid an arm around Ziva's waist, pulling her closer to him. Ziva gave a soft contented sigh and shifted closer to him. He rested his nose against the back of her neck and breathed in deeply.
Ziva knew this could not continue when they returned to Washington, but for now, Ziva could feel like they could work. Ziva knew that Tony felt the same. Why would he spoon her if he didn't? Ziva's breathing slowed as she slowly fell asleep, her mind imagining what life would be like if she and Tony could be together.


Ok all my Tiva fans! Here's a new short stories book! Hope y'all enjoy!
This won't have a regular update schedule; however, I do have ideas. So.....
See you in the next short!

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